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842Hillary Clinton, la secrétaire d’Etat et la candidate à la présidence en même temps qu’Obama, est fatiguée. Elle a déclaré qu’elle ne resterait certainement pas à son poste pour un deuxième terme d’Obama (s’il y en a un). A lire l’article du Daily Telegraph du 28 janvier 2010, on aurait même l’impression qu’elle pourrait partir avant 2012. (A voir son visage, sur la photo qui accompagne l’article, impression confirmée.)
Hillary a souffert il y a quelques mois d’une mauvaise fracture du coude. Ses déclarations reflètent réellement une fatigue qui s’explique aisément par les pressions, les déplacements, les procédures de sécurité, etc., peut-être plus encore par toutes ces mesures d’accompagnement, de sécurité et de déplacement que par le travail conceptuel (s’il reste du temps pour “le travail conceptuel”).
«Mrs Clinton said she would not serve a full eight years if President Barack Obama is re-elected in 2012. There has been speculation in America that Mrs Clinton could resign to run for the governor's post in New York but she said she wanted to retire to writing and teaching.
»The former First Lady, who has spent two decades in the national spotlight and narrowly lost her own bid to be president in 2008, said she enjoyed her job as the top US diplomat but found it physically grueling.
»Asked if she would serve eight years, she replied: “No, I really can't.” “The whole eight - that would be very challenging,” she said in the interview broadcast on television. “It's a 24-7 job and I think at some point, I will be very happy to pass it on to someone else."”
»Mrs Clinton repeated that she would not run again for president, saying she wanted a private life. “There are so many things I'm interested in, really going back to private life and spending time reading and writing and maybe teaching. Maybe some personal travel - not the kind of travel where you bring a couple of hundred people with you,” she said. Mrs Clinton said she also hoped throughout her life to be a strong advocate for the rights of women and girls.»
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