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423Hillary Clinton est totalement accaparée par les tournées d’“excuses” auprès de divers dirigeants étrangers, surtout des dirigeants arabes au Moyen-Orient, à propos du contenu des divers “Wiki-câbles” qui auraient pu apparaître ou qui sont effectivement apparus insultants ou gênants pour ces dirigeants. La secrétaire d’Etat semble accablée par cette tâche, dont elle juge qu’elle l’accaparera jusqu’à la fin de son mandat de secrétaire d’Etat, voire jusqu’à la fin de sa vie… Tout cela, alors qu’une partie considérable des “Wiki-câbles” n’a pas encore été rendue public.
C’est sans aucun doute à cette sorte de “détail” qu’on peut mesurer l’efficacité de l’action de WikiLeaks pour éroder la puissance américaniste. (Dans The Independent du 12 janvier 2010.)
«Outwardly, Hillary Clinton's progress through the capitals of America's most crucial Middle Eastern allies in recent days has been to bolster support for the war on terror. Privately, she admits it is also an “apology tour” aimed at undoing the damage caused by the WikiLeaks revelations.
»The American Secretary of State, who was yesterday in Yemen on the latest stage of a three-day series of meetings with Arab leaders, broke off from discussions about the effectiveness of sanctions on Iran and al-Qa'ida activity in the Arabian Peninsula to tell aides she needed a tour jacket, like those worn by rock band roadies, with a “big picture of the world and would say ‘The Apology Tour’ on it”. […]
»Mrs Clinton, who is on her second trip to the region in a month, told the Washington Post that she had tried where possible to “affirmatively raise” the WikiLeaks issue with her hosts to show that the problems were being tackled. The international face of the Obama administration conceded it would take a period of years to undo the damage caused by the leaks: “I think I will be answering concerns about WikiLeaks for the rest of my life, not just the rest of my tenure as Secretary of State.”»