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Avec ce titre un peu leste, nous entendons avancer l’idée que les Américanistes qui ne cessent de déployer leurs qualités habituelles, à force de brutalité sotte et d’arrogance aveugle, sont en train de réussir leur pari. La cause de la performance est effectivement le réseau anti-missiles dans sa branche européenne à venir — et qui est loin d’être assurée comme nous le fait remarquer justement notre lecteur “Gael Fraiteur” — et c’est encore plus beau.

Ils ont gagné, c’est-à-dire qu’ils ont effectivement provoqué une mobilisation massive des esprits en Russie, en plus d’une modernisation des forces. La Russie va être de plus en plus méfiante, grognonne, difficile, de plus en plus tranchante, etc., et comme ce n’est pas l’Irak il faudra faire avec. Etait-ce bien nécessaire? La subtilité de la manœuvre US, sous les yeux ébahis, énamourés et subjugués des Européens, décidément de plus en plus convaincus, a quelque chose de renversant.

Pour prendre date, voici quelques indications sur l’humeur russe actuelle, cela notamment et essentiellement pour des anti-missiles qui ne sont pas là, ni juridiquement ni opérationnellement, qui ne servent à rien ou presque, qui ne marchent pas ou tout comme, et que l’on n’attend pas avant 2012 si la mariée tient ses promesses.

• Vladimir Poutine à la réunion de Munich (ex-Wehrkunde que nous persistons à appeler de son nom plutôt que le “Munich Conference on Security Policy” américanisé à-la-Merkel). Selon AP, il a dit certaines choses précises et sévères :

«Russian President Vladimir Putin blasted the United States Saturday for the “almost uncontained” use of force in the world, and for encouraging other countries to acquire nuclear weapons.

»In what his spokesman acknowledged were his harshest attacks on the U.S. since taking office in 2000, Putin also criticized U.S. plans for missile defense systems and NATO's expansion.

»Putin told a security forum attracting top officials that “we are witnessing an almost uncontained hyper use of force in international relations” and that “one state, the United States, has overstepped its national borders in every way.

»“This is very dangerous, nobody feels secure anymore because nobody can hide behind international law,” Putin told the gathering.

»Putin did not elaborate on specifics and did not mention the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan. But he voiced concern about U.S. plans to build a missile defense system in eastern Europe — likely in Poland and the Czech Republic — and the expansion of NATO as possible challenges to Russia.

»On the missile defense system, Putin said: “I don't want to accuse anyone of being aggressive” but he suggested it would seriously change the balance of power and could provoke an unspecified response. “That balance will be upset completely and one side will have a feeling of complete security and given a free hand in local, and probably in global, conflicts...” he said. “We need to respond to this.”

• La veille, on avait eu les échos, également de AP (du 9 février), de diverses déclarations russes de la même eau, dont celle du chef d’état-major, le général Youri Balouyevsky. Le général n’est pas tendre lorsqu’il qualifie les USA de “top threat” et qu’il juge la situation militairement plus grave que durant la Guerre froide.

»Russia's top military officer said the United States is expanding its economic, political and military presence in Russia's traditional zones of influence and described that as the top national security threat, the latest signal of a growing chill in relations.

»Gen. Yuri Baluyevsky, chief of the military's General Staff, said Russia now faces even greater military threats than during the Cold War and the nation needs a new military doctrine to respond to these challenges, according to a speech posted on the Defense Ministry's Web site Friday.

»“Russia's cooperation with the West on the basis of forming common or close strategic interests hasn't helped its military security,” Baluyevsky said in the speech, delivered at a recent security conference in Moscow. “Moreover, the situation in many regions of the world which are vitally important for Russia and near its borders has sometimes become more difficult.»

»Russian-U.S. ties have worsened steadily over disagreements on Iraq and other global crises, and U.S. concerns about an increasingly authoritarian streak in Russia's domestic policy and strong-arming of ex-Soviet neighbors.

»Baluyevsky referred to what he called “the U.S. military leadership's course aimed at maintaining its global leadership and expanding its economic, political and military presence in Russia's traditional zones of influence” as a top threat for Russia's national security.»

Mis en ligne le 10 février 2007 à 15H21