Instantanés de la vie courante à la Maison-Blanche



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GW donne une conférence de presse à la Maison-Blanche. Cela se passe avant-hier. On parle du procès Libby, le chef de cabinet du vice-président Cheney, — procès au cours duquel il a été question d’appeler Cheney pour témoigner, avant qu’on ne se ravise semble-t-il.

Extrait de la conférence de presse.

Question — Sir, we've now learned through sworn testimony that at least three members of your administration other than Scooter Libby leaked Valerie Plame's identity to the media. None of these three is known to be under investigation. Without commenting on the Libby trial, then, can you tell us whether you authorized any of these three to do that…

President Bush — I'm not going to talk about it.

Question — … or were they authorized without your permission?

President Bush — Yeah, thanks, Pete. I'm not going to talk about any of it.

Question — They're not under investigation, though, sir.

President Bush — Peter, not going to talk about any of it.

Question — How about pardons, sir? Many people are asking whether you might pardon somebody…

President Bush — Not going to talk about it, Peter. (Subdued laughter.) Would you like to think of another question? Being the kind man that I am, I will recycle you. (Laughter.) John.

Question — Thank you, Mr. …

President Bush — Do you like that one … (inaudible)? Yeah.

Question — …(Off mike.)

President Bush — Recycling him. (Chuckles.)

Question — That took care of one of my questions as well, sir. But… (laughter) …

President Bush: If that's the case, sit down. (Laughter.) Next question. (Chuckles.)

Mis en ligne le 15 février 2007 à 09H55