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1538Les deux journalistes russes détenus depuis le 18 mai en Ukraine, Oleg Sidyakin and Marat Saichenko, ont été libérés le 24 mai sur intervention et négociations secrètes du chef de la république tchétchène Ramzan Kadyrov. Ils ont été ramenés en Tchétchénie dans l’avion personnel de Kadyrov, pour être reçus personnellement par lui à Grozny. Puis ils ont été transférés à Moscou où ils ont pu donner leurs appréciations sur leur détention.
• Ce rôle du président tchétchène dans cette affaire est jugé par certains comme un événement très important dans la crise ukrainienne. On doit lire notamment le commentaire de The Saker, sur le site The Vineyard of The Saker, ce 26 mai 2014 :
«As you probably know, the two Russian journalists who worked for the LifeNews, Oleg Sidyakin and Marat Saichenko, were finally freed and brought back home via Grozny in Chechnia. You might even have heard that the President of Chechnia, Ramzan Kadyrov, played a special role in their liberation. I think that the importance of this event might be under-estimated by many observers and I want to briefly comment on that. [...] During 4 days of secret negotiations a group of Chechen negotiators sent by Kadyrov flew to Kiev in his personal jet and had some very frank conversations with the right people in Kiev. The Chechens probably used the typical mix of threats and bribes to prevail and, as a direct result of this operation, the two reporters were freed. What is very interesting, is that there is mounting evidence that Putin was involved all along even though he never said a word about it...
»Nowadays, the Ukraine is full of rumors that Chechens have arrived to support the Donetsk and Lugansk republics. To my knowlege this has not happened (yet?) [...] But I would not put it past Kadyrov to send in Chechen special forces as "volunteers" into the Donbass if things get really ugly there. Of course, the key thing would be to get Putin's go ahead for such a move.»
• Parmi les appréciations données par Sidyakine et Saichenko après leur retour à Moscou, on retiendra les appréciations sur ce qu’ils ont pu percevoir des forces qui les ont détenus, notamment des éléments de l’armée ukrainienne. Il y a également les indications qui semblent confirmer la présence de mercenaires dont les références hypothétiques seraient qu’ils sont d’allure occidentale, c’est-à-dire du type-Akademi (ex-Blackwater), et évoluant d’une façon assez autonome par rapport aux forces ukrainiennes. (Dans Russia Today, le 25 mai 2014.)
«[The] two Russian journalists held in detention in Ukraine for several days say they were kept in a dug-out cell with sacks on their heads, their hands and legs tied. They claim their lives were also threatened. When asked what kind of people they saw during their detention, the journalists stressed that the contingent was most diverse at the airport.
»“There were many mercenaries. There were people in uniforms uncharacteristic for Ukraine. They didn’t speak with anyone, just silently entered the HQ. It remains a mystery to us who they were.” Despite not having heard anything spoken in English, Sidyakin said there were many people “uniformed and equipped Western-style, their behavior was strange, and so was their demeanor and the fact they weren’t talking to anyone.”
»Saichenko remarked that, in his opinion, the Ukrainian army has a very disconnected structure. “Having spent some time within the Ukrainian army and felt what it’s like, we understood that it is a very divided body. Many conscripts, including those who guarded us, complained that they should have been fired a long time ago, but haven’t been dismissed up to that moment. They complained about the quality of food,” Saichenko said. “A young man who used to romanticize Maidan [the heart of the Kiev protest earlier in the year] was among them and he told us that now “he understands what he was caught up in…” Saichenko added.»
Mis en ligne le 26 mai 2014 à 04H49