Israël est prêt à accoucher d’un monstre

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Israël est prêt à accoucher d’un monstre

Gedeon Levy, de Haaretz, est une sorte de “conscience” d’Israël, ou, plutôt, de ce que prétendit être Israël et de ce que certains croient encore qu’est Israël. Nos yeux crevés et aveugles ne voient pas la réalité d’Israël, le pays le plus unanimement soutenu par notre “civilisation” américaniste-occidentaliste, couvert d’éloges, de protestations d’estime et de jugement de vertus sans nombre.

Gedeon Levy, lui, voit Israël tel qu’il est aujourd’hui. Suite à un sondage d’Haaretz qui a donné des résultats effrayants par ce qu’il a montré de férocité et de soif de violence inique de la majorité de ce petit pays, Levy a signé, le 29 avril 2010, un éditorial dans son journal (Haaretz) où il commente les résultats de ce sondage. Le désespoir le dispute à l’effroi devant la barbarie qui s’étale d’une façon impudente, nourrie par l’hystérie, la démagogie, l’aveuglement et la certitude de soi.

«How Israeli it is to be (theoretically) in favor of freedom of expression yet in practice be so much opposed. You don't need a poll. Most Israelis believe that democracy (only) means elections every few years, because it's enough for a narrow majority of MKs to raise their hands in the Knesset in favor of every kind of crime and injustice to make it all right. Security is used as a cover for everything. There is a connection between the politicians' flattery campaigns in the primaries and democracy; that anyone who dares criticize, expose wrongdoing, step out of line or voice a different opinion is destined to the same fate; that the majority can do whatever it wants and the minority must be powerless.

»Most Israelis are fed up with any system of government supervision, which is the true test of the nature of government. To hell with the remnants of real journalism in Israel, and to hell with the Supreme Court, which doesn't necessarily always do its job. And enough already with those treacherous human rights organizations. Let's have an Israel without a High Court of Justice and without human rights groups like B'Tselem.

»Such an Israel is ready to move forward in the face of any threat. Israel is ready for a monster. Nothing will stop it. Every kind of violent and dangerous leader and every war crime will be welcomed here, welcomed by the stupid and ignorant.

»Our immune systems have long weakened. The press will be silent, and the Supreme Court will forgive. Meanwhile, protest slumbers and civil society, a concept on the rise in world politics, doesn't exist. Go explain to the Israel of 2010 that the media's role is to expose wrongdoing, the non-governmental organizations' role is to warn us, and the Supreme Court's role is to be a gatekeeper. Instead, all of them are to be punished. Go explain that the tyranny of the majority is no less dangerous than control by the minority. Go explain that democracy means unlimited, free criticism.

»All this is gone and forgotten. We have no one to instill these values. We have survived Pharaoh, and we will survive Iran, but not this problem. It filters down from within, threatening to bring everything down on the people. The current public atmosphere is the classic breeding ground, as if it were taken from the history books for cultivating savage regimes. There is no need for a military coup in Israel. The defense establishment has excessive control over most aspects of life. There is no need for a dictator, either. The tyranny of the majority is dangerous enough…»