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436La France a un allié de petit poids mais de grand prestige et d’une influence certaine, avec l’un des dirigeants européens les plus écoutés prenant parti en sa faveur dans la querelle qui l’oppose à la Commission. Le Premier ministre luxembourgeois Jean-Claude Juncker fait une critique précise et aiguë de la position de la Commission européenne. (Dans une interview à Financial Times Deutschland, citée par EUObserver aujourd’hui.)
« Mr Juncker said “I criticise the communication strategy of the commission…It gives the impression that everyone who puts questions to planned or ongoing mergers should automatically be a protectionist. That is a very a-political approach.”
» While indicating he rejects the term ‘economic patriotism,’ used by French prime minister Dominique de Villepin to promote his policy, Mr Juncker also showed he supports Paris' interventionism in substance, saying he understands that European governments resist a Europe which is only interested in the market.
« Mr Juncker said “I cannot see why there should be hostile takeovers in the EU.” He demanded that in merger situations, the interests of employees and regions be taken better into account. “Pure market ideologists overlook that this is about the fate of people,” he said. »
Mis en ligne le 3 avril 2006 à 17H58