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1460La bataille des “soins de santé” (health care”) est-elle la bataille de la présidence de BHO? Voire la bataille de sa vie? Il semble que les USA soient pris d’une fièvre étrange et les rumeurs et déclarations deviennent de plus en plus alarmistes.
• Selon un élu démocrate, Obama ira jusqu’au bout dans cette bataille, même si cela doit lui coûter la présidence en 2012. Mike Sheehan, de RAW Story, rapporte la chose le 14 août 2009.
«Rep. Leonard Boswell (D-IA) says President Barack Obama is so focused on health care reform that he’s willing to stake his presidency on it. After a town hall meeting yesterday in Iowa, the Democratic lawmaker quoted Obama to reporters:
«The president (said), “I’m not going to kick the can down the road.” And he said that and I said, “Well, that’s something I’m kind of used to from southern Iowa, you know. I know about kicking the can down the road.” And he said, “No, if it makes me a one-term president, I’m going to, we’re going to take it on because the country is in need of us taking this on.” I respected that very much.”»
• Le même RAW Story reprend, le même 14 août 2009, des informations diverses en provenance de services de sécurité, retransmises notamment par ABC.News, indiquant l’inquiétude de ces services pour la sécurité du président.
«White House officials are “privately admitting concern” for President Barack Obama's safety as incidents of attempted or threatened violence against the president skyrocket in the midst of the country's heated health care debate.
»That's the word from an ABC News report that says racist groups are thriving on the backlash in some corners of the United States to a black president who is working overtime to overhaul the country's social safety system. “Experts say a sharp growth in so-called militia groups that helped spawn a wave of domestic terrorism in the 1990s—and are now using YouTube, rock music and the Internet to recruit members and spread hate and fear—shouldn't be ignored,” the report says.
»Brad Garrett, a former FBI agent who now consults for ABC News, told the network that the Secret Service “cannot afford to pass on anyone” because “they really do fear that something could happen to [Obama]. “It's certainly a scary time,” he said.»
• Rupert Cornwell, de The Independent, n’en revient pas: les Américains sont-ils en train de devenir fous? Vont-ils s’entre-tuer – ou assassiner leur président? En plus du commentaire de Cornwell de ce 15 août 2009, dont nous citons le paragraphe d’entame ci-dessous, le quotidien de Londres a un excellent article, ce même 15 août 2009, décrivant l’état pathétique de la santé publique aux USA; dans ce cas, à Los Angeles, où l’on a installé pour quelques jours un véritable “hôpital de campagne”, où l’on soigne les cas les plus urgents ou les plus nécessiteux – véritable spectacle d’un pays du tiers-monde, ou d’un pays aux abois ou en guerre, au choix… Cornwell:
«Who will be the first American to lay down his life for (or against) healthcare reform? I'm serious. From a distance, the hysteria at politicians' town hall meetings these past two weeks across the US comes across as the theatre of the absurd. Except the show has featured a death threat to one congressman and a senator who asked for a special police guard when he took on his critics, as well as yelling crowds of supporters and opponents of reform accusing each other of being Nazis and communists. But are we not talking of comfort and healing? What on earth is going on?»
Mis en ligne le 15 août 2009 à 18H21
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