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1165La convention démocrate de 2016 est un désastre sans précédent, du plus haut au plus bas. (L’organisation fut aussi mauvaise que l’état du parti après la démission de sa présidente, et que l’état permanent de sa candidate. « Who’s In Charge?! » s’exclamait lundi un délégué démocrate pour Daily Caller, qui titrait : « It’s Day One And The DNC Is Already Falling Apart » pour son texte du 25 juillet.) Voici comment est décrite l ‘intervention d’Hillary Clinton après sa nomination (Daily Caller toujours, le 28 juillet, auquel on peut ajouter une interview de Tucker Carlson, directeur de Daily Caller, également le 28 juillet). Il s’agit donc du dernier discours, celui d'Hillary, d’une convention qui évolua de chaos en chaos et mit en évidence une extraordinaire rupture à l’intérieur du parti (entre les pro-Hillary/pro-Système et les supporteurs de Sanders), en même temps que la décadence accélérée de ce parti entre sa corruption extrême où il semble dépasser les républicains, et les slogans affichés de progressisme et de justice sociale, cmmunautaire, etc. :
« Hillary Clinton officially accepted the Democratic nomination for president amid a series of boos and catcalls Thursday night at the Democratic National Convention. As soon as the roars of applause died down and Clinton began her speech, loud boos erupted in several parts of the arena, disrupting an otherwise weighty moment. Scattered shouting continued through the first few minutes of her speech, although the audience tried to drown them out by chanting “Hillary! Hillary!”
» The loud chanting drowned out some of the calls and some protesters were reportedly ejected from the arena, but the spontaneous chanting and continuing boos created a distracting atmosphere, apparently making it difficult at times for Clinton to get through her speech. “The boos & catcalls from Sanders supporters during Hillary speech at [DNC] are distracting, even watching on tv,” tweeted Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, who ended his campaign for the Republican nomination earlier this year. “What a disaster.” »
Sur la candidate elle-même, on lira l’éditorial du Washington Examiner (du 29 juillet), qui s’appuie sur rien de moins que l’évidence du constat, – par ce titre du type “vous imaginez devoir vous taper quatre ans de présidence-Clinton ?” (« Really? You want to listen to Clinton for four years? »). Avant même qu’il soit question de l’élire, l’électorat, y compris l’électorat démocrate, a la nausée d’Hillary Clinton, et le seul argument qu’ils (les dirigeants démocrates) puissent développer est le piètre argument par défaut : “Il ne faut à aucun prix que Trump soit élu... Alors bon, il reste Hillary....”.
« The Democrats' thin presidential field set them up for the inevitable choice of an uninspired and uninspiring candidate, who is already well-defined in the public mind as a political hack. She is not only the status quo candidate, but also a person characterized by incessant, self-serving lies, unbounded venality and the evident belief that rules are for people less important than herself. This week's convention has been an effort to reinvent Clinton — how many times has that been tried? — but it was a waste of their time. [...]
» She's just so uninspiring. We're still more than three months away from the election, and already people are bored with her. It takes most presidents about seven years to get to this point. Sen. Chuck Schumer said Thursday that Trump has reached his high water mark, but Democrats left their convention nervous. Clinton's campaign manager is in denial about her unpopularity, which stems from the fact that about 70 percent of the public believes her to be dishonest and untrustworthy. »
Mis en ligne le 29 juillet 2016 à 16H43