La Chine critique violemment les USA en Afghanistan

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La Chine se durcit contre les USA en Afghanistan

Les Chinois sont des gens mesurés et qui ne prennent aucun risque inconsidéré et précipité. Jusqu’ici, malgré l’irritation prodigieuse qu’ils ressentent devant nombre d’aspect de la politique US, ils ont retenu une démarche de critique spécifique, s’en prenant aux domaines impliqués dans tel ou tel incident où ils étaient partie prenante.

Cette fois, leur critique violente contre la politique US en Afghanistan, où ils ne sont pas directement concernés comme une des parties, semble indiquer une modification de comportement, et qu’ils considèrent que la politique totalement incontrôlée des USA mérite désormais une réaction générale, même lorsqu’ils ne sont pas partie prenante. On peut supposer que le comportement US dans l’affaire des sanctions contre l’Iran, et le traitement que les USA appliquent à la Chine, compte d’une façon importante dans l’évolution de l’attitude chinoise. Il peut s’agir d’un tournant notable dans les relations de la Chine avec les USA.

C’est M K Bhadrakumar qui remarque cela, le 22 mars 2012, sur son site Indian Punchline. M K Bhadrakumar suggère, lui, que c’est l’extension d’une zone instable à cause des agissements US sur les frontières chinoikses qui est la cause de cette soudaine sortie.

«The government-owned China Daily featured an editorial today containing a devastating condemnation of the US-led war in Afghanistan. The context is the massacre of 16 Afghan civilians in Kandahar on March 11, which has “infuriated” the Afghan people and “strained the already tense” Afghan-US relations.

»The editorial demands that “Washington owes the Afghan people an honest explanation” of what actually happened — in an oblique challenge to the Pentagon’s doctored version that the killings were the rampage by a ‘rogue’ US sergeant. The editorial suggests that the “US should be held accountable” for the civilian deaths, which cause “widespread concern among the international community” over the US’ war strategy.

»In a strong condemnation of the US, the editorial concludes that the world community is “sickened” by the civilian deaths caused by the US “in the name of anti-terrorism.” Inter alia, the editorial estimates that the Barack Obama administration’s proposed ‘transition’ and troop drawdown in Afghanistan may not turn out to be “smooth”. It observes caustically: “There is also no guarantee that the US will not leave Afghanistan in as big a mess as it did in Iraq.”

»Needless to say, Beijing is taking off the gloves; this is a no-holds-barred attack on the US’ war in Afghanistan. The tone of condemnation is harsh and is unprecedented.

»What has caused this? Obviously, China is judging that the US is quickening its exit and the entire war strategy has now come to devolve upon the modalities of exit. Beijing is deeply cocerned that US is leaving behind a highly unstable country on China’s borders and the prospects of Afghanistan stabilising in a near term are dim indeed.

»The editorial no doubt factors in that “anti-American” feelings are on the rise in Afghanistan. The attack makes no direct reference to the US efforts to establish long-term military presence in Afghanistan, but the implication is that Beijing will be opposed to those efforts.»