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640Bien qu’il s’agisse d’une évidence, il n’est pas mauvais de l’entendre dire et redire ici ou là… La crise de l’euro et la crise de l’endettement des pays européens ne sont pas une “crise européenne” mais simplement une phase de la crise systémique globale du système, section finance. C’est ainsi que Mark Malloch-Brown, ancien ministre britannique et vice-président du “Forum de Davos”, décrit l’actuelle situation.
(AFP par RAW Story, le 30 mai 2010.)
«The sovereign debt crisis in Europe shows that the world's economic woes are “far from over” and highlights the need for reforms, the vice chairman of the World Economic Forum said on Sunday.
»“What we... see as we gather in the growing storm of a European sovereign debt crisis is that the (global) crisis is far from over, that it is in many ways rekindled in a dangerous new contagion,” Mark Malloch-Brown said. “The need to get the right international financial reforms in place remains as pressing as ever,” Malloch-Brown said at the opening session of a two-day World Economic Forum Global Redesign Summit in Doha.
»But, “this is not about any kind of single global fix,” he told AFP on the sidelines of the summit. “It's finding smart ideas which work for particular issues.” […]
»A panelist at a later session, chief executive officer of Abraaj Capital, Arif Naqvi, also said that continuing difficulties in Europe indicate that the world is not yet out of the crisis. “I think the euro crisis proved to us that we're actually just at the edge of a cataclysmic event. We're still at the point where we can't take anything for granted,” he said.»
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