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1057The Independent publie ce 10 février 2010 un article où il donne des extraits d’un document provenant de Herman Von Rompuy, le nouveau Président du Conseil Européen. Il s’agit d’une “annexe secrète” à une lettre envoyée par Van Rompuy aux chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement, que le quotidien interprète comme une “audacieuse tentative de prise de pouvoir sur les budgets nationaux européens”. Cela se situe bien entendu dans le cadre de la crise qui touche actuellement certains pays européens et l’Europe elle-même.
L’intervention est clairement présentée comme une tentative d’établir un contrôle supranational central sur les politiques budgétaires et économiques des pays de l’Union. La justification présentée pour cette tentative est évidemment l’urgence de la situation en Europe.
«The new President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, is using the financial crisis sweeping the eurozone to launch an audacious grab for power over national budgets, leaked documents reveal.
»The Independent has seen a secret annexe to the letter being sent by Mr Van Rompuy to European Union heads of government inviting them to the summit to be held tomorrow in Brussels. In an early and muscular assertion of authority over national governments and over the EU Commission, the Van Rompuy note states: “Members of the European Council are responsible for the economic strategy in their government. They should do the same at EU level. Whether it is called co-ordination of policies or economic government, only the European Council is capable of delivering and sustaining a common European strategy for more growth and more jobs.”
»Mr Van Rompuy states that “the crisis has revealed our weaknesses", adding: "Budgetary plans, structural reform programmes and climate change reporting should be presented simultaneously to the Commission [his italics]. This will provide a comprehensive overview.”
»An EU source explained: “It has become clear to everyone that this economic crisis can't be solved by individual member states, such as Germany helping out Greece. What we need is the same kind of mechanism that we have now imposed on Greece in order to monitor and survey eurozone countries. So the idea is to put all European economies under surveillance. You can expect some important decisions to be taken this week.”
»In a highly unusual move, the president of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet, has broken off from a meeting of central bank governors in Sydney to return to Europe. Pressure on the euro eased, on hopes that the presence of the EU's senior economic policymaker would appease the markets. […]
»The concern being felt in the highest circles of the EU about the “contagion” sweeping through Greece, Spain and Portugal is also clearly displayed in Mr Van Rompuy's confidential note: “The crisis has revealed our weaknesses. Our structural growth rate is too low to create new jobs and to sustain our social systems.”
»Referring to the fact that the EU has no way to resolve a budgetary crisis that affects other members states, Mr Van Rompuy goes on: “Recent developments in the euro area highlight the urgent need to strengthen our economic governance. In our intertwined economies, our reforms must be co-ordinated to maximise their effect.”»
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