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991L’Iraq Study Group, constitué pour enfin trouver une solution à l’épouvantable crise irakienne, se trouve pour l’instant conduit à des querelles internes en constante aggravation. La guerre en Irak n’est pas résolue mais la guerre à l’ISG s’étend.
C’est un fascinant processus bureaucratique, parfaitement illustratif de l’état réel du système américaniste. On tente d’“encommissionner” les crises pour les neutraliser mais bientôt la réalité apparaît. Bien loin de neutraliser les crises (la situation ne cesse de s’aggraver en Irak), l’“encommissionnement” ne parvient qu’à mettre en évidence les divisions à l’intérieur du système de l’américanisme concernant la crise irakienne. Les “contradictions internes” du système sont aujourd’hui plus fortes que toutes les crises extérieures. Mauvais signe.
Ci-dessous, des nouvelles de l’ISG, via
«Internal strife within the Baker commission, outright opposition from President George W. Bush and Tuesday's assassination of a cabinet member in Lebanon are complicating the prospect of U.S. overtures to Syria and Iran over Iraq, informed sources say.
»A source who spoke recently to a leader of the Iraq Study Group said he complained bitterly about internal dissension and partisanship among members of the supposedly bipartisan group, and was worried about reaching consensus on the key issues.
»Phebe Marr, an Iraq expert who advised the Baker group, said that while she favors approaching Iran and Syria for help, the United States would have to make concessions to each country. “There is a price for that, and it is not clear to me the Bush administration is willing to pay it,” she said. “The latest events in ... [Lebanon] make this even more difficult,” Marr said. She said it is also unclear how able the two countries are to stop the fighting in Iraq.
»Another Iraq expert who advised the Baker group said there “has been a lot of fighting” among the expert advisers to the group, mainly between neoconservatives and more conventional ‘cold warriors’ who want to take a more pragmatic approach to the Middle East. A recent proposal by neocon scholar Robert Caking that Washington send 50,000 more troops to Iraq rather than begin withdrawing generated heated discussion on a Web site used by the experts, she said.»
Mis en ligne le 24 novembre 2006 à 12H03