La litanie jusqu’à la nausée des rapports : nous nous sommes trompés, nous alimentons le terrorisme…



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Encore un rapport. Encore une condamnation. Comment, au nom de la simple décence de l’esprit, peut-on encore discuter, comme l’on fait dans les salons de réception des think tanks chic, de la validité du jugement que la politique occidentale (anglo-saxonne, avec ses clowns Bush-Blair) est d’une stupidité si profonde, d’une brutalité si aveugle , qu’elle en coupe littéralement le souffle? Comment ces porte-parole, ces fonctionnaires assermentés qui ont le sens du devoir jusqu’au bout des ongles, peuvent-ils encore discuter ces jugements de l’évidence énoncés dans les rapports qui s’empilent?

Le dernier en date, dans la litanie ad nauseam, est britannique et il nous est signalé notamment par The Guardian aujourd’hui. Que dit-il? Devinez…

«The Iraq war has acted as a “recruiting sergeant” for extremists in the Muslim world, according to a paper prepared for a Ministry of Defence thinktank, which also said the British government sent troops into Afghanistan “with its eyes closed”.


»The MoD was quick to play down the significance of the report. However, the study reflects what the MoD, military commanders, and the Foreign Office, have been saying in private. What is embarrassing is the timing of the leak, a day after Tony Blair's defence of Britain's military presence in Iraq and Afghanistan...

»It adds: “The war in Iraq ... has acted as a recruiting sergeant for extremists across the Muslim world ... Iraq has served to radicalise an already disillusioned youth and al-Qaida has given them the will, intent, purpose and ideology to act.”

»On Afghanistan, the paper said Britain went in “with its eyes closed”. It claims that a secret deal to extricate UK troops from Iraq so they could focus on Afghanistan failed when British military leaders were overruled.


»An MoD spokeswoman said last night: “The academic research notes quoted in no way represent the views of the MoD or the government. To represent it as such is deeply irresponsible and the author is furious that his notes have been wilfully misrepresented in this manner…”»

Mis en ligne le 28 septembre 2006 à 06H34