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658Le journal Pravda a publié les résultats d’une enquête réalisée en Russie sur la popularité du président Poutine. L’article, publié le 31 mars, montre un sentiment général extrêmement favorable à Poutine, qui bénéficie d’une popularité sans précédent depuis qu’il est au pouvoir. On notera que nombre des causes des réponses favorables portent sur des questions fondamentales d’identité et de souveraineté.
« It appears that the majority of those surveyed believe that the president is going a good job and is strengthening the sovereignty. 81% agreed with this view. At the same time 74% think that he is bringing Russia closer to countries in the West. 72% think that he has brought order to the country and improved the law, whereas 70% of the participants of the poll say that he has improved state institutions and the political system. 65% of citizens say that he’s improved democracy, people’s rights and freedoms.
» 65% of those polled believe that Putin is protecting the country’s interests, traditions and values. It is clear that Putin’s presidency has been marked by a strong attitude towards the economy and limiting of companies’ profits and those of individual businessmen. He is, however, continuing to give support to private businesses and the government is not meddling in the economy as much as before.
» The majority of Russians, 74%, think that Putin’s polices should be preserved after he relinquishes the presidency in 2008. Of these people 47% believe that in the future although the essence of Putin’s politics should remain, certain changes must be made to his policies. 18% of Russians would like to see changes in the government policy in 2008. 36% of those polled think that for the most part Putin’s should be preserved and that only slight changes should be made to his policies.
» The president of the Institute for Strategic Assessment Alexander Konovalov explained the reasons for such a desire for political stability, “ Russia is a patient nation. What many people would find disgraceful is accepted here because there are much worse things happening in the world such as war. The world of politics in this country is so clear that there are no opponents. If you want something from somebody, then you have to see them face to face. The lack of an election for Russians is also a reason why they do not want any changes.” »
Mis en ligne le 1er avril 2006 à 11H56