La presse US à boulets rouges…



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Pour compléter le compte-rendu de la conférence de presse de la Maison-Blanche, le 6 septembre, voici ceci, de James Cafferty, de CNN, le 6 septembre 2005 (“Mr. Brown” est le chef de la FEMA, l’organisation fédérale de secours aux catastrophes):

« Why are we talking about the “blame game” — there are thousands of people dead because government officials failed to do what they're supposed to be doing. That's criminal behavior. I mean, that's no game. There are poeple dead in the city of New Orelans and up and down the gulf coast because people charged with seeing to their welfare failed to do that. I don't understand this relecutance to say, Mr. Brown, you failed in your assignment. You're out of here. Go away. Go back to Colorado and go back to working for the Arabian Horse Association that we got you from. »

Mis en ligne le 8 septembre 2005 à 08H05


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