La reconstruction de l’Irak passe par les prisons



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La démarche américaniste et bureaucratique que nous décrit le texte ci-dessous, de nos sources internes, conduit à se demander ce qu’il faut admirer le plus dans cette aventure de l’Amérique en Irak. Et l’on répondra : l’imperturbable sérieux des bureaucraties qui, «< N>after the public relations disaster caused by the eruption of the scandal at Abu Ghraib prison », laissent passer en toute ingénuité de telles informations, sous cette forme si précisément révélatrice.

« The U.S. State Department is winding down its $20 billion reconstruction program in Iraq and the only new rebuilding money in its latest budget request is for prisons, officials said on Tuesday. State Department Iraq coordinator James Jeffrey told reporters he was asking Congress for $100 million for prisons but no other big building projects were in the pipeline for the department's 2006 supplemental and 2007 budget requests for Iraq, which total just over $4 billion. “This is the one bit of construction we will be doing — $100 million for additional bed capacity for the Iraqi legal system,” he said. Eventually, the Iraqis would take more detainees now in U.S. custody and more space was needed, Jeffrey said, adding that money would also be set aside to increase the number of prosecutors and “corrections advisers.” “We have another program to continue support, protection and hardening of facilities and such for the judges who are exposing their lives,” he said. Experts on Iraq reconstruction said it was notable that the only new rebuilding money was for prisons after the public relations disaster caused by the eruption of the scandal at Abu Ghraib prison where U.S. forces abused Iraqi inmates. »

Mis en ligne le 2 mars 2006 à 06H47