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532Comme l’on sait, les Américains
Le porte-parole du département d’État Sean McCormack a expliqué : « The transactions are something we would consider an outsized military buildup ».
Dave Lindorff, s’étrangle et s’esclaffe sur CounterPunch du 21 janvier : « It Would be Funny, If It Weren't So Tragic. » Simplement ce commentaire: « What does McCormack call the $441 billion US military budget for 2006 (up four percent from last year)? Note that Venezuela has a population of 25 million, about 1/12 of the size of the U.S., yet its military budget, which actually declined in recent years while U.S. military under Bush soared to Cold War levels in real dollar terms, is just over $1 billion— less than 0.25% of the American military budget. »
Mis en ligne le 22 janvier 2006 à 18H43