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430L’exécution de Saddam, outre le torrent d’obscénités convenues sur la justesse de la cause américaniste et sur la vertu occidentale bien connue, a provoqué une certaine surprise par sa rapidité et le choix du jour. Certains analystes en tirent des conclusions concernant les intentions cachées derrière ces différents éléments.
Larisa Alexandrovna, qui a son propre blog, développe une thèse autour de cette exécution, dans un article mis en ligne sur le site de Juan Cole, Informed Comment, le 29 décembre. Alexandrovna lie l’exécution avec le déploiement de nouvelles troupes en Irak, d’un nouveau groupe de bataille avec un porte-avions US dans le Golfe, pour aboutir à l’hypothèse d’une provocation et d’une attaque contre l’Iran.
On prendra ces supputations pour ce qu’elles valent, et selon l’intérêt qu’on accorde aux hypothèses de complot. Le fait est que la réputation de cette administration est faite, ainsi que celle du comportement américaniste. Tout acte est aussitôt apprécié à la lumière du soupçon général (complot, provocation, etc.)
«What the Bush administration appears to be waiting for, stalling for, while they allegedly mull over the Iraq question, is for the naval carriers and other key assets to fall into position. This will happen in the first week of January. Saddam Hussein is being executed (and I would not be surprised if every major network aired it) to enrage tempers and fuel more violence in Iraq. This violence will justify an immediate need for a troop surge, although I think it will be described as temporary. Remember too that the British press has for the past week done nothing but report that Britain will be attacked by the New Year. Clearly they are preparing themselves for a contingency, and that contingency is the massive violence that will erupt across the Muslim world as they watch (and I really believe it will be televised) Saddam’s hanging just before the New Year.
»Why is the rush to execute Saddam Hussein not account for Hajj? Or does it?
»The carriers will be in position. I imaging there will be an event of some sort in Iraq, or the violence will spill into friendly (our friends) territory. It will be dramatic, even more so than the immediate violence.
»The attacks will be blamed on Iran, with the help of the Saudis and Pakistan. Iran will be blamed for something that happens in Iran. The naval carriers, again, will be in position. The sanctions, as watered down as they are, have given the administration the blank check they needed from the world (and they still have their blank check from Congress) to order aerial strikes. The surge troops will be in position, and I estimate that ground support will begin around late February, early March.
»Saddam’s execution and the violence will also be a convenient cover while the administration moves pieces into position.»
Mis en ligne le 31 décembre 2006 à 10H27
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