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464Il y a un excellent article de Stephen C. Webster, de RAW Story, ce 13 janvier 2011, où la position de la Suède par rapport aux USA, surtout depuis 9/11, est largement synthétisée. L’article est évidemment centré sur le sort de Julian Assange s’il est extradé en Suède, mais c’est une vision générale de la Suède qu’on recueille au-delà du cas. Ce pays est devenu complètement infiltré et manipulé par les services de sécurité et d’influence des USA, et sa réputation de neutralité et de défense des droits de l’homme est devenue aujourd’hui une grossière pitrerie, bien entendu utilisée à l'avantage de ces services.
On cite ici le passage consacré à Assange, mais c’est tout l’article qui doit être lu… L’avocat d’une des accusatrices d’Assange, Thomas Bodström, est un ancien ministre de la justice suédois. Il réside actuellement aux USA et il est manifeste qu’il était au courant de la complicité suédoise dans des vols de suspects de terrorisme vers des centres de torture organisés par la CIA. En fait, on peut sans trop s’avancer voir dans Thomas Bodström un agent d’influence de la CIA reconverti dans le domaine lucratif aux USA de l’activité juridique.
«As it happens, after leaving public service, Bodström began working as a lawyer with Borgström and Bodström, the very firm that was representing two women who accused WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange of sexual assault.
»Anna Ardin, one of Assange's accusers who's said she is a supporter of WikiLeaks' mission, was recently found to have worked with a feminist Cuban anti-Castro group supported by the US and backed by notorious CIA asset Luis Posada Carriles. She's denied any direct affiliation with the US intelligence service.
»With a history of anti-Fidel Castro militancy that dates back to the 1961 CIA-backed Bay of Pigs invasion, Posada Carriles worked through the Cold War for intelligence services in Nicaragua, Venezuela, Guatemala, El Salvador, Chile and Argentina. US documents show he also worked for the CIA from 1965 to June 1976. Carriles was wanted in Venezuela, Cuba and Panama for terrorist activities, including the bombing of a commercial airliner that resulted in the deaths of 73 people.
»Carriles, who's lived with his family in Miami since 2007, was facing charges in Texas of lying to US immigration officers and entering the country illegally. The trial, which was just getting underway at time of this story's publication, was mocked as a "farce" by some south American leaders.
»Agiza and Alzery, the men who were allegedly tortured in Egypt, eventually had their deportations from Sweden overruled and were awarded damages totaling over $700,000 US dollars.
»Lawyers for Julian Assange have suggested that the Swedish allegations were a facade for US efforts to have him extradited to the west, where he potentially faces torture or imprisonment in Guantanamo Bay. The US Department of Justice was considering filing charges of conspiracy or espionage against Assange, but no final decision had been made. […]
»A secret jury investigating WikiLeaks filed a subpoena last week, seeking personal information on all of the site's followers on Twitter, with a member of Iceland's parliament singled out as a person of interest in their probe.
»Former Bush political strategist Karl Rove, an ardent critic of WikiLeaks and a proponent of prosecuting Assange for espionage, was reportedly contracted to aid the 2010 reelection campaign of Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt. It was unclear whether he played a role in influencing the case against Assange.»