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561On sait qu’il y a des différences notables, avec parfois des positions inattendues, concernant les circonstances et les causes de la situation turque actuelle, depuis la “révolte de Taksim”. On a pu lire quelques éléments exposant cette complexité, notamment les 3 juin 2013, 10 juin 2013 et 24 juin 2013, sans qu’il soit possible, de notre point de vue à nous, de dégager une image claire de l’événement, donc de nous prononcer de façon précise à cet égard. Nous présentons ici un document qui doit être ajouté au dossier, sans l’estimer décisif mais en lui accordant une certaine importance.
Il s’agit d’une assez longue interview (le 24 juin 2013) de Russia Today de Mustafa Sentop, professeur de droit, adjoint du président du parti AKP (ou JDP selon la terminologie en anglais, pour Justice and Development Party), conseiller du Premier ministre Erdogan. C'est donc une voix officielle du plus haut niveau, exprimant la position d’Erdogan. Plusieurs choses méritent d’être soulignées.
• D’abord, le fait que l’interview est donnée à Russia Today, média russe de très grande diffusion. L’interview s’adresse donc, notamment, à la Russie et à la direction russe, et les quelques mots catégoriques qui concernent la Russie montrent que la Turquie n’a absolument rien à reprocher à ce pays dans les événements actuels. Cela doit être apprécié en fonction des plus récentes nouvelles à cet égard (le 24 juin 2013), concernant une possible évolution de la Turquie vis-à-vis de la Syrie sous l’influence russe, mais qui semblerait selon la tendance exprimée dans cette interview ne pas l’être sous la pression menaçante de la Russie, comme l’affirme DEBKAFiles dans le texte cité.
• Sentop parle à plusieurs reprises des implications d’un véritable “complot” contre Erdogan, qu'il va jusqu’à faire remonter à 2009. Les forces impliquées sont toutes des parties du bloc BAO et du Système, à savoir des intérêts capitalistiques ou financiers intérieurs à la Turquie, Israël, et éventuellement les USA. Les médias du bloc BAO, essentiellement britanniques et US, mais aussi allemands, sont également mis en cause. Tout cela est dit bien entendu prudemment, indirectement ou par allusion, mais le sens est indéniable. Apparaît d'une façon claire, au travers de ces diverses citations, un constant soupçon anti-israélien, correspondant semble-t-il au sentiment profond d'Erdogan malgré ses changements de politique.
• Concernant la Syrie, Entop, tout en ne démentant pas l’actuelle politique turque (anti-Assad), la détache de ce simple but et la présente essentiellement comme une volonté de stabilisation et d’apaisement du pays. C’est donc appuyer sur des principes que les Russes eux-mêmes proclament, mais éventuellement considérés différemment dans la voie pour atteindre à leur application. En bref, le message implicite à la Russie pourrait être interprété de la sorte : nous avons une tactique différente, mais notre stratégie est la même que la votre.
Voici les extraits choisis, qui sont présentés de manière fractionnée en choisissant les affirmations les plus significatives pour notre propos, où l’on retrouvera les diverses appréciations détaillées ci-dessus...
RT: «What is the new Constitution all about? Do you have any agreement with the US on revamping it?»
Entop: «Let me first say that Turkey does not tolerate any foreign interference whatsoever, including the US, into these matters. Under no circumstances can the draft Constitution be discussed with the United States or the European Union...» [...]
RT: «Do the events at Taksim have anything to do with the new Constitution?»
Entop: «About three or four months ago we started receiving reports that something like that was under way. There are foreign governments directly engaged into this – we can tell that by the media coverage.
»For instance, on June 16 Kazlicesme Square saw a rally of around 1.5 million JDP supporters – one of the biggest rallies in human history. They had gathered to back the ruling party and the Prime Minister. Meanwhile, CNN covered the event, calling it an anti-government protest in Turkey. Just like the BBC, Reuters, the German media, they spread false rumors about our country. We are free to call most of these media the Israeli lobby, because they are funded by Israel. They all offer a rather one-sided, negative coverage of the events in Turkey. When 52 people were killed in Reyhanlı, the CNN only briefly mentioned it in its news ticker. But when the initially peaceful events at Taksim started unfolding, the CNN gave non-stop live broadcasts from the place. It was a clearly an orchestrated scheme.»
RT: «Is this scenario aimed at distracting Turkey’s attention from Syria or involving it even more? Or, perhaps, there is another objective?»
Entop: «I think there is another objective. Turkey became stronger throughout the rule of the JDP under the leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The GDP growth of Turkey is 3 per cent, and this is the result of the year’s first quarter only. For instance, the average growth rate across Europe is negative. So Turkey has a stable economy against the background of economic decline in a number of countries.
»Another issue is that Turkey has become a strong regional player in international relations. That is why I believe that by causing turmoil and instability inside the country they were trying to make Turkey focus on its domestic affairs so that it wouldn’t be able to participate in the settlement of the Syrian crisis. Turkey is concerned about a successful resolution of the problems in Syria, which is obvious – it is our neighbor we share our longest common border with, and in some places this border cuts across villages.
»Yesterday I got a phone call from my former student who had gone to the wedding of his relatives that took place in Mardin. Part of the relatives live on the Turkish territory and they were detained by the military police while crossing the border with Syria for they didn’t have their passports with them. I called their boss, told him about the wedding and explained the situation asking him to help. I hope they finally made it to the wedding.
»So the relations between Turkey and Syria are extremely different from relations with the USA, Russia or Germany. The long frontier implies security problems. Turkey is a country that is directly affected by the Syrian problems, so we are more than others looking forward to their soonest settlement. If there is an international conference to be held on the issue – Turkey must be granted the greatest voting power. The clashes take place right before the Geneva talks between the envoys of the UN, Russia and the USA, so they are aimed at weakening the positions of Turkey.»
RT: «
Entop: «No, we don’t think Russia has a hand in the Taksim unrest.»
RT: «Then who are the instigators in your opinion?
Entop: «External forces have their branches inside Turkey. The growth and stabilization of the Turkish economy had a negative impact on those groups that had raised money on high interest rates on the national debt. Financial speculators are no longer able to make mega-profits. In 2002 they gave us loans at 63 per cent. Since then, we’ve pulled down interest rates to 4.6 per cent in May 2013.
»If we had continued taking money at those high rates, we would have paid this “interest-rate lobby” some 642 extra billion dollars. Thanks to Recep Tayyip Erdogan, that money was invested and not given away for paying the interest rates. Surely, there are some groups that can’t earn as much as they used to, so they are dissatisfied with the JDP’s and Erdogan’s course.» [...]
RT: «What’s the difference between the situation of Turkey and that of the Arab countries?»
Entop: [...] «...This way we can see that campaigns have been organized by those domestic and international circles that aren’t happy with the JDP policies and with the fact that Turkey’s growing stronger. We have the corresponding documents which will be presented in court.»
RT: «What documents do you have?»
Entop: «We have information about those who provoked and organized these protests, and provided logistics, funds and other resources.
»As an example, New York Times published an ad on protests. A campaign was organized to pay for it, and $40.000 out of $100.000 was covered by Rafagen, a US pharmaceutical company of Israeli origin. This information was found in open sources. The documents we have will be made public in the near future...»