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379Ceci, en date du 4 octobre et venu de nos sources internes, avait échappé à notre vigilante attention. Par conséquent, nous publions ce texte avec quelques excuses, et en plus nous observons que les amis américanistes ne sont jamais pris de court, qu’ils prévoient tout, absolument tout, jusqu’à la plus invraisemblable cocasserie…
«U.S. Congress sets aside $20 million to celebrate victory in Iraq, Afghan wars
»The military's top generals have warned Iraq is on the cusp of a civil war and that U.S. troops must remain in large numbers until at least next spring. But if the winds suddenly blow a different direction, Congress is ready to celebrate with a $20 million (15.7 million) victory party. Lawmakers included language in this year's defense spending bill, approved last week, allowing them to spend the money. The funds for «commemoration of success» in Iraq and Afghanistan were originally tucked into last year's defense measure, but went unspent amid an uptick in violence in both countries that forced the Defense Department to extend tours of duty for thousands of troops. Sen. Mitch McConnell, the second-ranking senator among the body's Republican leaders, originally sponsored the provision, which Democrats agreed to add to last year's defense bill. Senate Republicans kept the authorization in the 2007 bill. “If the Bush administration is planning victory celebrations, Americans deserve to know what their plan is to get us to a victory in Iraq,” said Rebecca Kirszner, spokeswoman for Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid.»
Mis en ligne le 25 octobre 2006 à 12H34
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