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517Après avoir décrit le monstre qu’est l’ambassade des USA en construction à Bagdad, — une cinquantaine d’hectares, $592 millions, 21 bâtiments, 619 appartements, « almost as large as the Vatican on a scale comparable to the Mall of America, to which it seems to have a certain spiritual affinity » — Nicholas von Hoffman de The Nation avance l’hypothèse audacieuse mais séduisante qu’il s’agit en fait d’une base permanente au cœur de la capitale de l’Irak.
« This gigantic complex does not square with the repeated assertions by the people who run the American government that the United States will not stay in the country after Iraq becomes a stand-alone, democratic entity. An “embassy” in which 8,000 people labor, along with the however many thousand military personnnel necessary to defend them, is not a diplomatic outpost. It is a base. A permanent base.
» So it turns out that the plan, if that is the right word for the haphazard, faith-based, fact-free and data-scarce decision-making that has been the one constant in this adventure, is to stay in Baghdad and run the country. This is beyond lunacy.
» There are these 8,000 Americans holed up in a private city, who do not dare to leave their fortified luxury bunker for fear of being killed or kidnapped and tortured if caught outside their fortified walls, and who are trying to run the country by giving orders to the Iraqi government, which is also operating out of the Green Zone, that vast fortified place isolated from the people of the country.
» Democrats demanding an exit strategy from Iraq are routinely derided by the Bush Administration as cowards who “cut and run.” But if this Embassy plan is not a form of cut and run, what is it? Instead of cutting and making a run for Kuwait, they intend to cut and run into what amounts to the world's largest bunker, a capacious rat hole where they can wait in safety until all the Iraqis have killed one another or all factions unite, march on this air-conditioned citadel and slit the throats of its irrelevant inhabitants. »
Il est vrai que la chose est du domaine de l’hallucination, avec tous les excès américanistes poussés jusqu’à l’excès de la caricature: l’enfermement sur soi, la rupture totale avec les conditions naturelles et sociales de l’environnement, l’illusion du contrôle centralisé, le mépris pour les autochtones (c’est-à-dire les non-américanistes, c’est-à-dire les barbares), tout y est. D’une certaine façon, peut-être les Américains sont-ils en train de se construire un super-9/11 en Irak. Quand tout sera rentré dans l’ordre, quand les Américains seront installés dans leur 51ème État au cœur de Bagdad, peut-être l’Irak, au lieu de se déchirer, se réunira autour de ce lieu au son d’une seule consigne : taper sur le monstre au cœur de Bagdad. Jusqu’au jour où un avion-suicide fera l’affaire.
Mis en ligne le 22 juin 2006 à 09H54