L’attaque contre la Sears Tower de Chicago (“pire que 9/11”) : une perception grandissante d’un montage



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L’attaque terroriste envisagée contre la Sears Tower de Chicago, présentée potentiellement comme “plus dévastatrice que 9/11”, avec l’arrestation de sept suspects à Miami à la suite de l’action de provocation d’un agent du FBI infiltré, est de plus en plus nettement perçue comme un montage.

La BBC a diffusé hier un reportage où une journaliste du Miami Herald prend à partie la version officielle.

« In a BBC news broadcast today, Miami Herald reporter Mani Garcia remarks that the government's arrest of seven men in connection with a “plot” to blow up the Sears Tower is probably overblown. “They've been described to us by sources as ‘wannabes’ — still to be determined if making a connection about talking about doing an attack and and being able to finance an attack,” Garcia said. “We've seen previous cases where the Federal government has announced with great hoopla breaking terrorist cells. And when you start deconstructing a case, you see that there's a lot of talk.” »

Le site WSWS.org fait une analyse générale de l’affaire, qu’il présente sans la moindre hésitation comme « a government-inspired provocation [...] like so many previous “terrorist plots” announced by the Bush administration ». Après avoir détaillé divers éléments suspects dans cette affaire, l’analyse, publiée ce jour, observe notamment:

« Pistole, the FBI deputy director, admitted that the supposed plots to blow up buildings had been “more aspirational than operational.” In the raids carried out by the FBI squads, no weapons and no explosive substances were found.


» At a Washington press conference, US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales acknowledged that the alleged plot had posed no actual danger. He claimed this was because the authorities had intervened “in its earliest stages.”

» So “early” was the preemption that officials associated with the supposed targets of the plot dismissed the government’s indictment. Barbara Carley, the managing director of the Sears Tower, told the press, “Federal and local authorities continue to tell us they’ve never found evidence of a credible terrorism threat against Sears Tower that’s ever gone beyond just talk.”

» Her remarks were echoed by Chicago Police Superintendent Phil Cline, who said, “There never was any credible threat to the Sears Tower at all.” »

Mis en ligne le 24 juin 2006 à 16H51