L’avenir imperturbable du JSF

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L’avenir imperturbable du JSF

Voici, d’une source très honorable, Flight International, le 11 juillet 2010, le compte-rendu des évaluations prospectives de Lockheed Martin pour le JSF. Tout se passe comme si rien ne s’tait passé…

«The US armed services will acquire more than 75% of all F-35s built, under current plans, with their requirements covering a "“programme of record” for a combined 2,443 aircraft across the design's three variants.

»The exact numbers to be bought will doubtless change over the next few years, but Lockheed Martin cites long-used totals of 1,763 conventional take-off and landing F-35A Lightning IIs for the US Air Force, and 680 aircraft for the US Navy and Marine Corps. These will be split between the F-35C carrier variant and short take-off and vertical landing F-35B, respectively.

»Lockheed's eight international partners for the JSF programme's system development and demonstration phase – Australia, Canada, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Turkey and the UK – have identified shared requirements for another 738. […]

»Lockheed also sees significant potential for the F-35 with Foreign Military Sales customers, and expects orders to top 700 airframes.

»Israel is considering whether to sign an initial order for around 25, subject to its gaining approval to make certain modifications to the type to meet national requirements. These include having the ability to use domestically developed electronic warfare systems and air-launched weapons. Others cited as potential future FMS buyers include Belgium, Finland, Greece, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and Spain…»
