Le complot de Greenspan



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La crise financière en cours suscite toutes les prévisions possibles, des moins pessimises aux plus apocalyptiques. C’est la caractéristique des crises financières, qui reflètent des malaises profonds et insaisissables, qui sont animées par des facteurs précis et d’autres complètement insaisissables (la psychologie). Il est difficile de faire son choix. Si l’histoire des crises financières nous invitent à une attitude, c’est sans aucun doute celle de l’humilité dans la prévision.

Un fait objectif par contre indéniable, c’est que cette crise financière se développe dans une situation politique, stratégique, voire “philosophique” d’une gravité sans précédent (sans précédent pour ce rapport entre crise financière et situation générale extrêmement grave). Et pourtant, une situation dont la gravité est dissimulée par une activité de communication également sans précédent, créant une situation de virtualisme qui tend à tromper, à fausser la perception. De ce point de vue, les circonstances de la crise potentielle sont bien plus grave qu’en 1929, — référence aussitôt à l’esprit pour mesurer cette gravité potentielle.

Dans ce cadre, comme on l’a dit, les analyses extrêmes fleurissent. Voici celle du complot, que nous exposons pour ce qu’elle vaut, sans apriorisme particulier. Elle est de Mike Whitney, sur OnLineJournal.com, du 6 août. Elle est développée dans une ambiance pathétique de défiance, — malgré le virtualisme qui touche essentellement la classe qui produit ce phénomène aux USA, l’establishment, mais beaucoup moins la population («Only 16 percent expressed substantial confidence in the financial industry; 18 percent in the energy or pharmaceutical industries; 17 percent in large corporations and 11 percent in health-insurance companies. Only 18 percent of the people have confidence in the corporate media and only 16 percent in the federal government.»)

D’où, la thèse de Whitney, celle du complot de Greenspan et de la Federal Reserve… (On remarquera que le seul sauveur possible selon Whitney se nomme Ron Paul)

«Economic policy is not “accidental.” The Fed’s policies were designed to create a crisis, and that crisis was intended to coincide with the activation of a nationwide police state. It is foolish to think that Alan Greenspan or his fellows did not grasp the implications of the system they put in place. These are very smart men and very shrewd economists. They knew exactly what they were doing. They all understand the effects of low interest rates and expanded money supply. And they’re also all familiar with Ludwig von Mises, who said, “There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion.”

»A crash is unavoidable because the policies were designed to create a crash. It’s that simple.

»The Federal Reserve is a central player in a carefully considered plan to shift the nation’s wealth from one class to another. And they have succeeded. Nearly 4 million American jobs have been sent overseas, the country has increased the national debt by $3 trillion dollars, and foreign investors own $4.5 trillion in US dollar-backed assets. While the Fed has been carrying out its economic strategy; the Bush administration has deployed the military around the world to conduct a global resource war. These are two wheels on the same axel. The goal is to maintain control of the global economic system by seizing the remaining energy resources in Eurasia and the Middle East and by integrating potential rivals into the American-led economic model under the direction of the Fed. All of the leading candidates —Democrat and Republican — belong to secretive organizations which ascribe to the same basic principles of global rule (new world order) and permanent US hegemony. There’s no quantifiable difference between any of them.

»The impending economic crisis is part of a much broader scheme to remake the political system from the ground up, so it better meets the needs of ruling elite. After the crash, public assets will be sold at fire sale prices to the highest bidder. Public lands will be auctioned off. Basic services will be privatized. Democracy will be shelved.

»The unsupervised expansion of credit through interest rate manipulation is the fast-track to tyranny. Thomas Jefferson fully understood this. He said, “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of our currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations that will grow up will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”

»We are now in the first phase of Greenspan’s Depression. The stock market is headed for the doldrums and the economy will quickly follow. Many more mortgage lenders, hedge funds and investment banks will be carried out feet first.

»As the disaster unfolds, we should try to focus on where the troubles began and keep in mind Jefferson’s injunction: “The issuing of power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs.”

»Rep. Ron Paul is the only presidential candidate who supports abolishing the Federal Reserve.»

Mis en ligne le 12 août 2007 à 09H42