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493Un gros problème agite aujourd’hui la classe politique allemande : la possible installation d’une commission d’enquête parlementaire sur le soutien secret accordé par l’équipe Schröder-Fischer aux Américains durant la guerre en Irak, — malgré l’affirmation de leur hostilité à cette guerre. Les trois partis d’opposition étaient d’abord d’accord pour installer cette Commission. Ces derniers jours, les “Verts” tentent de faire machine arrière.
L’explication de leur attitude tient à ce qu’ils sont fortement impliqués dans ces machinations, essentiellement dans la personne de Joska Fischer. Les précisions données ci-dessous par confirment ce qu’on sait de la personnalité de Fisher. Il arriva à Hubert Védrines de confier à des amis les sentiments mitigés qu’il avait éprouvés pour Fischer, pour son comportement exceptionnellement servile vis-à-vis de l’Américaine Albright, lors des conférences-vidéo auxquelles participait également Védrines (alors ministre français des affaires étrangères), à l’époque de la guerre du Kosovo, au printemps 1999
« The [Green] party is in a dilemma. On the one hand, they want to brush up their thoroughly discredited reputation by posing as defenders of basic rights ready to expose abuses by the secret services. This makes it difficult for them to oppose the demand for an investigation into illegal secret service practices. On the other hand, it is becoming increasingly evident the former Green foreign minister, Joschka Fischer, is deeply involved in the murky practices of the German Intelligence Service.
» According to a report in the Leipziger Volkszeitung, Fischer, together with Steinmeier and the interior minister at the time, Otto Schily (SPD), personally promised to provide extensive co-operation to the US government prior to the war itself. Fischer was not only informed of the presence of two German agents in Baghdad who passed on information to the US secret services, according to Der Spiegel, but he personally met and congratulated the two agents for their work in the summer of 2003.
» When the Bundestag faction of the Greens initially decided in favor of a committee of inquiry, Fischer was the only one to oppose it. He obviously has something to hide. In the meantime, other Green Party leaders have also dissociated themselves from their own decision. The two chairmen of the party, Renate Künast and Fritz Kuhn, have said that an enquiry would not be necessary if the government clarifies some unresolved issues.
» The speaker for the Greens on legal affairs, Jerzy Monday, justified this retreat with remarkable openness and stated his party would not agree to an investigation “which contained accusations in relation to SPD-Green policy.” In other words, the Greens will only support an investigation when it uncovers nothing. »
Mis en ligne le 26 janvier 2006 à 12H22