Le gouvernement sans tête qui a trouvé la crise climatique pour s’occuper



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L’activisme britannique dans le domaine de la lutte contre la crise climatique met paradoxalement en évidence, selon Jonathan Freedland, l’absence complète de direction gouvernementale actuelle, — à cause du départ programmé de Tony Blair. On a ainsi la confirmation, par le biais de ce commentaire, de la situation actuelle de crise profonde du pouvoir politique au Royaume-Uni.

Selon Freedland, ce matin dans le Guardian, le gouvernement britannique est de facto en état de paralysie depuis la tentative avortée de faire partir Blair, en septembre 2006, et l’“accord” intervenu à cette occasion, de son départ à la fin de ce printemps.

Voici la partie du commentaire de Freedland qui nous dévoile cette situation que les commentateurs britanniques se gardent en général de trop mettre en évidence (“Right or wrong, my country”).

«If British politics were a dinner party then Tony Blair would be that guest who got up to say goodbye an hour ago, insisting he had to be off — only to hang around by the front door, his coat on and car keys jangling, chatting about this and that and never actually leaving. The result is a strange sense of limbo, where the old period has not quite ended and the new one has not yet begun. A sense of drift has hovered over the government since the attempt to push the prime minister from office last September. Ministers insist they are as busy as ever, but they admit to an absence of leadership. It feels like nothing is happening.

»So it's heartening to hear of one area, at least, where the British government has taken a lead. Yesterday the security council of the United Nations discussed climate change for the very first time. Not some environmental subcommittee, not a platitudinous exchange of slogans in the general assembly, nor even the intergovernmental panel on climate change, but the security council. The same security council that usually grapples with border disputes, sanctions or weapons of mass destruction - that security council was yesterday debating carbon emissions and the danger they pose to the Earth.»

Mis en ligne le 18 avril 2007 à 15H38