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1073Un court article (le 30 juin 2010) de The World Tribune, site généralement bien informé sur les informations de sécurité nationale israéliennes, donnent des indications précises sur les pressions exercées par les USA sur Israël pour un engagement d’achat ferme du JSF, ainsi que sur la forme de ces pressions. On le voit également, les pressions ont lieu désormais au plus haut niveau, et il y a confirmation du côté israélien qu'il s'agit d'une matière essentielle, du point de vue US, pour les “relations stratégiques” des USA avec Israël.
«[Israelian] Officials said the administration of President Barack Obama has been urging Israel's Defense Ministry to sign a formal agreement to purchase the F-35 fighter-jet. They said the Obama administration, particularly the Defense Department, has linked the JSF deal to strategic cooperation between Israel and the United States.
»“The Pentagon wants Israel to sign an agreement in 2010, regardless of the problems in the [JSF] program,” an official said. "Every time we meet, the Pentagon people make the JSF a key point in the discussions.”
»Officials said JSF procurement was a leading subject in discussions between visiting Defense Minister Ehud Barak and the Pentagon in June 2010. They said Barak was urged by Defense Secretary Robert Gates and his senior aides to sign a JSF procurement accord over the next few months.
»As a result, the Defense Ministry has launched consultations on the feasibility of ordering 25 JSF aircraft. Barak has headed the meetings, which included Defense Ministry director-general Udi Shani, Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi and air force commander Maj. Gen. Ido Nehushtan. “Barak supports a formal deal, saying this is important for bilateral relations,” a military source said. "The military's argument is why should Israel be the first foreign country to order the F-35 when even the program's partners haven't done so?”»
Il apparaît également, d’après la nouvelle, que l’attitude US est inflexible sur les conditions. Aucune concession n’a été faite et aucun engagement n’a été pris, du côté US, ni sur la question du prix, ni sur la question du transfert de technologies (et l’autorisation d’installation de technologies israéliennes dans l’avion). La philosophie US dans ces “négociations” est abrupte : »“At this point, the Americans are making no commitments,” the official said. “Their answer to everything is ‘Sign now and we'll have plenty of time to discuss the details later.’”»