Le JSF vers les $400 milliards

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Le JSF vers les $400 milliards

Encore une augmentation pour le programme JSF ! Selon Bloomberg.News, qui cite “un officiel”, le programme est passé à une estimation de $382 milliards ($232 milliards en 2002 !). La nouvelle estimation a été transmise au Congès le 1er juin.

(Voir le lien.)

«The projected cost of Lockheed Martin Corp.'s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the most expensive U.S. weapons program, is now $382 billion, 65 percent higher than the $232 billion estimated when the program started in 2002, according to a government official. […]

»The Pentagon's cost-analysis office reports that the price per plane – including research, development and construction costs – is now $112.4 million, the official said. That's about 81 percent over the original estimate of $62 million.

»The production cost alone of each plane is estimated at $92.4 million, almost 85 percent higher than the $50 million projected when the program began in 2002, the Pentagon will tell Congress.»
