Le lobby sioniste US plus que jamais terroriste et de plus en plus nerveux



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Le lobby sioniste aux USA est plus que jamais actif, avec des actions relevant des pressions terroristes habituelles (terreur intellectuelle, s’entend, bien dans sa manière), notamment et particulièrement contre des juifs antisionistes ou critiques des politiques US et israélienne. Cet activisme marque une nervosité grandissante de ce groupe, par ailleurs de plus en plus mis en question.

Un excellent texte d’analyse de WSWS.org détaille aujourd’hui ce phénomène. Il expose notamment le cas de Tony Judt, qui a récemment pris des positions très critiques des libéraux pro-guerre (“liberal hawks”).

«Tony Judt, a noted historian and the director of New York University’s Remarque Institute, was to have spoken in New York earlier this month at a meeting called by a nonprofit organization that had rented space from the Polish Consulate. After telephone calls from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the American Jewish Committee, his lecture on “The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy” was cancelled barely an hour before it was scheduled to begin.

»Judt, a liberal academic who writes frequently for the New York Review of Books, was born and raised in Britain. He lost many members of his own family in the Holocaust, but has aroused the ire of the Zionist public relations machine because of his sharp criticisms of Israeli policies and his charge that the Israel lobby has stifled debate on the Middle East in the US.

»The modus operandi of Zionist organizations such as the ADL and the American Jewish Committee is by now a familiar one. “Inquiries” are made by one or another of these groups. The message is clear.

»As the Polish Consul General said in connection with the contacts made in regard to Judt’s scheduled appearance, “The phone calls were very elegant but may be interpreted as exercising a delicate pressure. That’s obvious—we are adults and our IQs are high enough to understand that.”

»Abraham Foxman of the ADL cynically insisted that he hadn’t requested that the event be shut down, but added, “I think they made the right decision.” He then spelled out the brazenly anti-democratic and thuggish attitude of himself and his organization toward anyone who criticizes Israel’s policies and Washington’s support for those policies. “He’s taken the position that Israel shouldn’t exist,” Foxman said of Judt. “That puts him on our radar.”

»To clarify his position toward Israel, Judt remarked, “The only thing I have ever said is that Israel as it is currently constituted, as a Jewish state with different rights for different groups, is an anachronism in the modern age of democracies.”

»The cancellation of Judt’s lecture is only one in a series of similar incidents. Judt was also forced to cancel another speech, at Manhattan College in the Bronx, on the topic “War and Genocide in European Memory Today,” after he was asked by the event’s sponsors to censor himself by avoiding direct references to Israel.»

Cet activisme actuel du lobby pro-sioniste est nettement connecté à une nervosité grandissante de ce groupe, qui est de plus en plus nettement critiqué aux USA, y compris dans la communauté juive. («In the recent period, however, public criticism of the existing US policy toward Israel has begun to emerge within American foreign policy and academic circles. To some extent, the feverish campaign to silence all critics of Israel is an expression of the nervousness within American Zionist circles over this emerging policy debate.»)

Ce qui est remarquable, comme l’observe Tony Judt lui-même, c’est que cette action d’interdiction terroriste de critiquer la politique israélienne n’existe plus aujourd’hui qu’aux USA. En Israël même, les critiques de la politique israélienne s’expriment librement. On a encore une fois la démonstration de la puissance extraordinaire du conformisme de la pensée aux USA, quelle que soit la forme de pensée attaquée et dénoncée comme déviante, ou déviationniste — selon le terme communiste, naturellement venu sous la plume. (Le même processus a existé et existe pour certaines politiques ou attitudes culturelles de gauche.) Il s’agit de la façon dont les esprits retraitent devant les pressions terroristes appuyées sur les références d’une pensée majoritaire (d’une pensée conformiste) qui s’exprime publiquement et semble bénéficier d’une onction morale.

«It should be noted that the kind of criticism that Foxman of the ADL says cannot be voiced in New York City is frequently expressed within Israel itself. Israeli newspaper columnists, writers, academics and others spoke out during the recent Israeli aggression in Lebanon. Are they also to be branded anti-Semites and silenced?

»As Judt himself declared, “This is serious and frightening, and only in America — not in Israel — is this a problem. These are Jewish organizations that believe they should keep people who disagree with them on the Middle East away from anyone else who might listen.”»

Mis en ligne le 1er novembre 2006 à 12H49