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1089Trouvé par hasard sur ce site de Scotland on Sunday, de ce dimanche 7 février 2010 (lien :, cette nouvelle selon laquelle la vente du Mistral à la Russie serait acquise… Cela aurait l’air sérieux puisque le vice chef d’état major de la marine russe est cité.
Rien vu chez les Russes?
«France will sell Russia one of the world's most advanced warships, a senior Russian navy official claimed yesterday.
»Vice Admiral Oleg Burtsev said French President Nicolas Sarkozy had personally sanctioned the sale of one of his country's state-of-the-art Mistral helicopter carriers to the former superpower.
»Asked when this would happen, Burtsev, the Russian Navy's deputy chief of staff, said: “This is unlikely to happen in February or March this year, but work on the matter is continuing.”
»Russian naval officials believe the Mistral is better than anything in the same class they could make themselves but until now it has been unclear whether France was ready to become the first Nato nation to sell arms to Russia.»
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