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669Nous ne résistons pas au plaisir de préciser les appréciations de l’excellent Pépé Escobar, sur aujourd’hui, à propos de la farce irakienne. Nous laissons à d’autres, — ils sont payés pour ça, — le soin de prendre au sérieux cette mascarade tellement grotesque que cela finit par nous attendrir.
Voici donc ce qui se passera en Irak une fois le scrutin démocratiquement clos à l’heure dite, à moins que les vagues enthousiastes de votants nous obligent à prolonger l’ouverture des bureaux de vote : « The US would be left with little more than the Green Zone — which is not exactly an oil lake — and a lot of empty desert. Essentially, Kurds and Shi'ites will be able to decide what to do with their oil revenues. The Kurds, for instance, have already signed a contract with a Norwegian oil company to drill for oil.
» Election or no election, the ultimate blood-drenched quagmire will remain fully operational. Al-Qaeda will keep suicide bombing to death. Shi'ite death squads will keep executing Sunni Arabs. Shi'ite and Kurd politicians will keep squabbling — while Kurdistan and Shi'iteistan further ignore Baghdad. The Americans will keep controlling nothing — not even the road from the airport to the Green Zone. ‘Reconstruction’ will remain non-existent — until the probably not-too-distant day when the Shi'ite signatories of the ‘pact of honor’— the probable election winners — will muster the will to tell the occupiers “you're out — and don't forget to pack your military bases as well”. »
Mis en ligne le 15 décembre 2005 à 09H03