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1270Je signale cet article de The Dissident Voice, du 29 janvier 2010, de Stephen Lendman, à propos de l’hypothèse d’un cataclysme provoqué, avec le tremblement de terre de Haïti.
Le lien: http://dissidentvoice.org/2010/01/haitis-earthquake-natural-or-engineered/
L’article est sobre, détaillé, avec une multitude de liens, dont nombre sont dans la presse courante et remontent à d’autres circonstances plus anciennes. Lendman ne se prononce pas d’une façon catégorique, il donne les pièces du dossier, il cite toutes les techniques, militaires ou non militaires, qui peuvent causer, volontairement ou pas, des tremblements de terre. C’est très complet et permet de disposer de nombreux éléments pour en juger.
Le passage ci-dessous est le plus proche de l’hypothèse d’une intervention US, comme le cas a été présenté ici et là. Le reste est beaucoup plus large, embrassant beaucoup d’autres hypothèses.
«A January 23, 2010 Pravda online article headlined, “US weapon test aimed at Iran caused Haiti quake,” stating:
»“An unconfirmed report by the Russian Northern Fleets says the Haiti earthquake was caused by a flawed US Navy ‘earthquake weapons’ test before (they) could be utilized against Iran. (Something) went ‘horribly wrong’ and caused the catastrophic quake in the Caribbean, the website of Venezuela’s ViVe TV recently reported, citing the Russian report.”
»After its release, Hugo Chavez called it a drill, preparing to cause an earthquake in Iran. [According to Athelo News: "All quotes subsequently attributed to Chavez regarding Haiti and earthquake weapons ... none of which was ever uttered by Chavez." -- Ed.] Russia Today said Moscow has the same weapons. The unconfirmed Russian report said America carried out a similar test in the Pacific Ocean, causing a 6.5 magnitude quake near Eureka, CA. No deaths or injuries were reported, but many buildings were damaged.
»ViVe said the US Navy may have had “full knowledge” of the test’s damage potential, and speculated it was why Deputy Southern Command General PK Keen was in Haiti when the quake struck, preparing to act in case of a disaster, perhaps an engineered one. In his January 21 Global Research article, Michel Chossudovsky said:
»“A Haiti disaster relief scenario had been envisaged at the headquarters of US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) in Miami one day prior to the earthquake (since) pre-disaster simulations pertain(ing) to the impacts of a hurricane in Haiti” were conducted.
»A “communication-information tool” called the Transnational Information Sharing Cooperation project (TISC) “links non-government organizations with the United States (government and military) and other nations for tracking, coordinating and organizing relief efforts.”
»When the quake struck, TISC was in “an advanced stage of readiness.” The next day, SOUTHCOM implemented the system. “The (DOD’s) Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)” set up a relief effort among “a range of Defense units and various” NGOs and aid groups operating “as part of a carefully planned military operation.” Did DOD have advance knowledge of the quake so could act immediately when it struck? Was the drill’s timing a coincidence or something more sinister?
»On the morning of September 11, 2001, the CIA was running “a pre-planned simulation to explore the emergency response issues that would be created if a plane were to strike a building.” Held at the Agency’s Chantilly, Virginia Reconnaissance Office, it simulated a small jet hitting one of its four towers after supposedly experiencing mechanical failure. The media ignored it the way it’s suppressing the January 11 drill. It raises serious questions and great suspicions.
»Earlier in October 2000, the Defense Protective Services Police and Pentagon’s Command Emergency Response Team conducted another exercise, simulating a plane striking the Pentagon — called “the Pentagon Mass Casualty Exercise.” Coincidence again, or were these drills part of readiness planning for 9/11, with advance knowledge of what was coming? Was similar Haiti planning also preparatory to the Pentagon’s militarized takeover? Was the catastrophe natural or engineered, and is there another way to trigger it?»
Jean-Michel Sider
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