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647Une petite nouvelle parue dans Aviation Week & Space Technology du 26 septembre confirme que les dépenses envisagées par le gouvernement pour reconstruire New Orleans pourraient avoir un effet négatif sur le budget du Pentagone.
« President Bush's efforts to rebuild New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina may have an adverse effect on defense contractors. Bush has ruled out any new taxes to fund his ambitious blueprint for reconstructing the Gulf Coast, which some fiscal watchdogs believe could top $200 billion. That means adding to the already worrisome federal budget deficit or taking from other discretionary spending — such as the defense budget. Pentagon planners are currently grappling with a potential shortfall of $50 billion through 2010. “We are growing more concerned . . . that the impact of such a huge [rebuilding] plan could dampen Defense Dept. spending growth over the next several years,” writes Credit Suisse First Boston analyst Robert Spingarn. »
Mis en ligne le 1er octobre 2005 à 07H44