Les incertaines assurances du rapport Mehlis



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Le site Wayne Madsen Report (WMR) annonce le 1er novembre, dans sa rubrique “Diplomatic Cable”, qu’il a obtenu une copie “classifiée” du rapport Mehlis sur l’assassinat de l’ancien Premier ministre libanais Hariri. La thèse défendue par WMD est que Hariri a été assassiné par des agents de renseignement syriens agissant pour le compte des néo-conservateurs américains (« WMR has reported in the past on Lebanese intelligence findings that the assassination of Hariri was carried out by a Syrian intelligence cell employed by neo-con circles in Jerusalem and Washington, with the knowledge of senior officials of the White House, including Karl Rove (whose chief foreign policy adviser is Michael Ledeen) »)

Parmi les indications que donne WMR, on note celles-ci:

• Sur l’auteur du rapport: « Mehlis is the Senior Public Prosecutor in the Attorney General's Office in Berlin. He was named Commissioner of the UN International Independent Investigation Commission into the Hariri assassination. Mehlis is a darling of neocons who served in the Reagan administration. It was his investigation of the 1982 La Belle Discotheque bombing in West Berlin that was used as justification by Reagan to launch a 1986 bombing attack on Libya. Mehlis concluded that Libya was behind the attack conveniently at the same time that pro-Israelis in the Reagan administration, including Richard Perle, Michael Ledeen, Paul Wolfowitz, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Scooter Libby, and others were calling for an attack on Muammar Qaddafi. »

• « The confidential copy indicates that certain information, all of which implicates Syria and pro-Syrian Lebanese officials, was added just before the report was issued. 

• « The Mehlis Report is suspicious in that although it mentions the 1976 arrival of Syrian peacekeeping forces in Lebanon on the invitation of President Suleiman Franjieh and the 1989 Taif agreement that ended the civil war, it fails to mention President George H. W. Bush's acquiescene to Syria's military occupation of Lebanon in 1991 in return for Syria's military assistance in Operation Desert Storm. [...] The Mehlis Report contains a number of news items that were previously spun by the neo-con media, including Rupert Murdoch's outlets. »

• La conclusion de WMR est évidemment très sceptique: « Given all the bogus intelligence emanating from the neo cons and their Israeli, British, Italian, and Iraqi allies prior to the invasion of Iraq, the ''intelligence'' contained in the Mehlis Report, which may have been placed therein by unconfirmed US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton and his staff, makes the charges against Syria highly dubious. »

Mis en ligne le 2 novembre 2005 à 15H40