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1412Dans, le 22 décembre 2013, Alexandre Savchenko donne de très nombreuses et précises indications sur les “parrains”, évidemment US et UK, mais aussi avec d’autres variétés qui font qu’on peut parler du bloc BAO et, au-dessus, du Système, qui encadrent, conseillent, orientent et contrôlent le boxeur poids lourd et ukrainien Vitali Klitschko, dirigeant du parti UDAR. Klitschko est en général désigné comme le “favori” du bloc BAO, essentiellement par l’Allemagne et lors d’une ferme intervention de Merkel, pour la prochaine élection présidentielle en Ukraine. L’arrangement n’a rien d’exceptionnel, comme le précise Savchenko, qui précise qu’il n’y a pas «a single government ministry or agency and not a single political party in parliament besides the communists where “quiet Americans”, or Britons, or Germans, have not ensconced themselves in order to tell the Ukrainian politicians and officials how they should run the country».
Manifestement, Savchenko se concentre sur les intervenants US autour de Klitschko, qui sont légions bien entendu. Il n’est pas assuré qu’il faille pousser des cris d’alarme désespérés puisque la pratique est très courante depuis le début des années 1990, et que les résultats qu’elle a obtenus ne sont pas absolument convaincants. Encore une fois, comme nous l’observions le 16 décembre 2013, cette pratique de l’influence “à ciel ouvert”, d’une façon officielle, avec des démarches de corruption affichée, où les agents d’influence cherchent autant leurs propres intérêts que les intérêts de la cause qu’ils sont censés servir, ne garantit nullement des résultats exceptionnels. Quoi qu’il en soit, il est intéressant de connaître ces divers détails, méandres, manœuvres, etc., de ces milieux où les relations publiques et la publicité, avec diverses connexions dans les milieux boursiers et du show businessn ont remplacé les pratiques d’antan largement centrées sur le véritable renseignement dans cette sorte de pratique d’influence.
Il faut noter que les diverses entreprises et personnalités mentionnées travaillent dans le domaine dit de la “communication stratégique” (strategic communication), – ou communication d’influence, ou éventuellement “agression douce”, etc., – qui fut un domaine spécifiquement développé par Donald Rumsfeld au Pentagone immédiatement après l’attaque du 11 septembre 2001. Dès années plus tard, le même Rumsfeld reconnaissait l’échec persistant des activités du gouvernement fédéral dans ce domaine de la “communication stratégique” (voir le 20 février 2006), d’où un transfert de plus en plus massif vers le privé. C’est le cas avec Klitschko, dont le parti UDAR a largement travaillé avec la firme US de communication stratégique PBN. (Il est encore intéressant de noter, comme le fait le texte en citation dès son entame, que l’un des directeurs de PBN comprend l’ancien représentant de presse de Mikhaïl Gorbatchev, ce qui en dit long sur les manipulations dont Gorbatchev a été l’objet, expliquant son revirement d’attitude vis-à-vis de Poutine, comme son partisan puis son adversaire.)
«...Considering that PBN's board of directors includes such people as Mikhail Gorbachev's former press secretary Georgy Oganov and chairman of the board of directors of the international investment company Alfa Capital Bernard Sucher, it is quite reasonable to assume that PBN is one of those Western organizations which have long attached themselves to post-Soviet countries like leeches in order to pump money out of them and into American banks using connections in the upper echelons of the government and big business.
»The company's Ukrainian office is headed by American citizen Myron Wasylyk, a former State Department employee, member of the supervisory board of the U.S.-intelligence-linked Eurasia Foundation, and member of the supervisory board of the International Centre for Policy Studies, founded on the money of George Soros. This center, by the way, contributed to the writing of a draft of a free trade zone agreement between Ukraine and the EU that the president of Ukraine considered a threat to the national interests of the country.
»Wasylyk's wife, Maria Ionova, has been a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada for UDAR since 2012. It's not clear right away, of course, how she went from being a small entrepreneur and deputy's assistant in 2005 to suddenly becoming a consultant to the President of Ukraine (!) and then a member of his administration. This goes to show what kind of power the head of PBN's Ukrainian office had after the “orange revolution”.
»After the creation of UDAR, PBN started working with Vitali Klitschko's team, helping it establish ties with the White House, Congress, the State Department and the U.S. National Security Council. PBN set up a number of visits to Washington for the party leader and his assistants. It was this company that introduced Klitschko to Senator John McCain, as well as a number of State Department and National Security Council officials who react especially nervously to everything connected with Russia.
»In helping Vitali Klitschko establish needed connections in the American establishment, the head of PBN's Ukrainian office mainly depended on his long-time acquaintance from his time at the Eurasia Foundation, Fiona Hill, who belongs to the most reactionary wing of American neoconservatives. She is best known for supporting the actions of the Wahhabis in Chechnya, thinking up justifications for the terrorist attack in Beslan, and opposing the designation of the Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir as a terrorist group at hearings in the U.S. Congress. During the presidency of George W. Bush, Fiona Hill was the national intelligence officer for Russia and Eurasia at the National Intelligence Council. She maintains close ties with the Ukrainian diaspora and considers herself a great friend of Ukraine (for some reason only the nationalist part).
»Thus, if Vitali Klitschko becomes president (and it looks like Washington is pushing for just that, however much Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Oleh Tyahnybok might pout), the PBN Company's opportunities will be just as great as they were during Yushchenko's presidency. But then again, maybe not. Because, according to omniscient Ukrainian political scientist Kost' Bondarenko, UDAR recently started working with a different American company, Greenberg Quinlan Rosner (GQR). Greenberg Quinlan Rosner is an even larger consulting company with operations in 80 countries. It does the same kinds of things as PBN. But perhaps the main difference between it and PBN is that in the U.S. GQR is oriented more toward the Democratic Party than toward the Republican Party, like Myron Wasylyk's organization.
»The decision to replace one American coach with another is most likely connected with the fact that the closer the presidential elections in Ukraine get, the better those in UDAR are beginning to understand that now Vitali Klitschko needs to rely mainly on the American Democrats, who will still be in the White House in 2015. So reorienting on Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, which consulted on the election campaigns of U.S. President Bill Clinton and presidential candidate Al Gore and has helped the Democratic Party in congressional and gubernatorial elections, is a wise move.
»GQR is not a newcomer to Ukraine, or to the former Soviet Union in general. In 2007, for example, the company worked with the party Our Ukraine. The party's results were lamentable, but when UDAR was choosing a new partner, apparently old connections played a role. It didn't matter that GQR's previous election campaigns in Ukraine ended in failure; some pleasant aspects of collaboration apparently remained in the memories of Ukrainian and American colleagues. Maybe it was the pleasure of “carving up” the party's pre-election budget, who knows? Such things are closely-guarded secrets in any tight-knit team of political consultants.
»GQR also has had successes in conducting presidential and parliamentary campaigns in a number of countries. They met with success, for example, in Romania, Germany and Great Britain, where GQR still has connections in government and political circles. And this will significantly increase the spectrum of opportunities for GQR to provide services to the future president of Ukraine, if everything goes well for Vitali Klitschko. At least for a while. Like for Mikheil Saakashvili, who GQR also brought to power and then taught to run Georgia according to American formulas until the Georgians got sick of it...»