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713L’extraordinaire équipée britannique se poursuit, avec un Premier ministre qui continue à ferrailler avec son sabre de bois qu’il tient prêt à dégainer une nouvelle fois (contre l’Iran, indeed), et les militaires britanniques qui freinent des quatre fers devant une nouvelle folie. C’est une intervention une fois de plus inhabituelle au royaume de la Grande Muette traditionnellement très muette et qui ne l’ait plus guère, — celle de l’amiral Sir Alan West, commandant la Royal Navy.
Selon The Independent de ce matin : « Meanwhile, another senior military figure, Admiral Sir Alan West, the head of the Royal Navy, warned that any military action against Iran could have “horrendous consequences” and “must be avoided”.
» Sir Alan said even air strikes — let alone a full-scale invasion — would be extremely problematic and could have “disastrous” results. Sir Alan was the first Western military commander to express his disquiet over the possibility of an armed intervention in the growing crisis over Iran's nuclear programme. It came amid reports that the US and Israel may bomb the nuclear facilities if Tehran refuses to back down from its belligerent stance over its nuclear testing, despite international anger.
» Admiral West said: “The consequence of military action would be quite horrendous. We should not do it, the matter should be resolved some other way.” Talking about a previous example — an Israeli strike at Iraq's nuclear plant at Osirak in 1981, Admiral West said: “That was just one target. With Iran you have got to get every single one. There will awful repercussions if that does not happen. » »
Mis en ligne le 14 janvier 2006 à 10H27