Les mots de l’amiral, de l’Irak à l’Iran



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L’amiral Fallon a témoigné devant le Congrès, qui examine sa nomination à la tête de Central Command, pour succéder au général Abuzaid. On sait que cette nomination a fait beaucoup spéculer. Cette nomination, essentiellement parce qu’il s’agit d’un amiral, n’annonce-t-elle pas une attaque contre l’Iran?

Que nous dit l’amiral Fallon?

«Stabilising Iraq will require “new and different actions”, the prospective US commander in the Middle East said today.

Admiral William Fallon, nominated by George Bush to lead Central Command, also told a Senate confirmation hearing that it could be time to “redefine the goals” in Iraq. “I believe the situation ... can be turned around, but time is short,” he said.

»The admiral, currently the commander of US forces in the Pacific, said he saw a need for a comprehensive approach to Iraq, including economic and political actions as well as military force.

»“What we have been doing has not been working,”„ he said. “We have got to be doing, it seems to me, something different.”

»Adm Fallon acknowledged that errors had been made, saying the US had probably been mistaken in its assessment of the Iraqi government's ability to rebuild the country.

»“Securing the stability of the country has been more difficult than anticipated,” he added. “Our ability to correctly assess the political, economic and security situation in Iraq has been lacking.”»

Ces déclarations de l’amiral apparaissent, dans le contexte général des interprétations qui ont accompagné sa nomination et des bruits concernant une attaque contre l’Iran, comme très ambiguës. Elles peuvent parfaitement s’appliquer à un scénario d’attaque contre l’Iran comme principal facteur de redressement de la situation en Irak, puisque aujourd’hui les choses vont mal en Irak, comme chacun sait, à cause de l’Iran.

Dans un tel cadre conceptuel, comme on dit, des mots tels que : “new and different actions”, “I believe the situation ... can be turned around, but time is short”, “We have got to be doing, it seems to me, something different”, — tout cela irait comme un gant à une attaque contre l’Iran.

Mis en ligne le 31 janvier 2007 à 09H09