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672Quelques mots du président brésilien Lula à propos de notre système américaniste-occidentaliste, de son attitude politique, de la vanité de sa posture arrogante d’extrémisme et d’intolérance. L’expérience de l’accord avec l’Iran et, surtout, des réactions de la soi-disant “communauté internationale” à cet accord, ont permis à Lula de progresser notablement dans le constat de son fonctionnement. Sa critique acerbe n'étonnera personne, mais c'est un événement heureux qu'elle soit proclamée si hautement
(De AFP, via, le 20 mai 2010.)
«Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva hit out at the United States Thursday, challenging its muscular approach on Iran that sidelined diplomatic efforts he made this week to resolve the showdown.
»Newspaper columnists “say that it was none of Brazil's business to be an intermediary with Iran. But who said it was a matter for the United States?” he asked after returning from an overseas tour that included Tehran. “The blunt truth is, Iran is being presented as if it were the devil, that it doesn't want to sit down” to negotiate. To the contrary, said Lula, “Iran decided to sit down at the negotiating table. It wants to see if the others are going to go along with what (it) has done.”
»In an implied swipe at the US government of President Barack Obama, Lula added: “There are people who don't know how to do politics without having an enemy.” […]
»Lula said he believed his contribution upheld the spirit of multilateralism. He added that the media backlash at home over his perceived failure was part of the “inferiority complex” Brazilians felt when pitted against the traditional Western powers.
»“We went to Iran and we succeeded, after 18 hours of meetings... to get Iran to do what the UN Security Council had been asking it to do for the past six months,” he said.»