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479Un article de Hannah K. Strange, de UPI, nous informe, selon des confidences d’une source du département d’État, que les gouvernements européens étaient régulièrement et pleinement informés par les Américains des vols (en Europe) de la CIA transportant des suspects détenus illégalement vers des centres d’interrogation non contrôlés par la justice. C’est sans réelle surprise que l’on peut lire ce constat en date du 10 mars, et qui n’a guère soulevé d’émotion.
« U.S. flights conducting renditions of terror suspects have passed through Europe with the knowledge of European governments, a senior U.S. State Department official confirmed to United Press International Friday.
» Speaking to UPI on condition of anonymity, the official said the United States would not and had not conducted renditions through Europe without the knowledge of European partners. There was a “sense of aggrievement” in Washington that European governments and citizens had benefited from information obtained through rendition, yet were now expressing "shock" at the policy. “European governments and publics expect there to be broad, mutual intelligence cooperation,” he said. “These are simply not the things that are talked about publicly.”
» Asked whether those remarks meant European governments had knowingly allowed rendition flights to pass through their territory, the official replied: “Yes, that's exactly what that means. We would not conduct renditions in Europe without the knowledge of European partners.” »
Mis en ligne le 14 mars 2006 à 05H43