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577Le journaliste pakistanais de Londres S. Imam explique, dans le Daily Times (Pakistan) d’aujourd’hui, l’évolution récente de la crise iranienne par la question de l’“l’euro-Bourse”.
Une question intéressante est de savoir comment l’Iran peut arriver verrouiller sa position dans cette crise. S. Imam estime qu’il est bonne position pour le faire. « It is easy to understand therefore why Iran’s nuclear programme has become the cornerstone of the US foreign policy. One of Saddam Hussein’s crimes that infuriated US and precipitated the invasion of Iraq, some analysts believe, was selling oil for euro. But Iran’s crime is even greater. It plans to launch a euro-based bourse. So how can Iran be spared?
» Luckily for Iran, and unfortunately for USA, American forces in the region (deployed in the Middle East and Afghanistan) are completely bogged down. In these circumstances, an invasion of Iran can become a disastrous undertaking for US. The US strategy for now, therefore, is to stop Iran from exporting oil by securing UN Security Council resolution imposing economic sanctions on the country under the pretext of its alleged nuclear weapons programme. So far Iran seems to have played its cards well. Its only fear is that another 9/11 like incident could hand US the licence to kill anyone!
» This is the only factor beyond Iran’s control. Otherwise even the threat of an attack on Iran’s nuclear installations by Israeli and/or US air force(s) cannot reverse the situation. Let’s see how far the US can push the IAEA board to refer Iran’s case to UN Security Council. The regular meeting of the IAEA board meeting is scheduled for February 2. »
Mis en ligne le 2 février 2006 à 19H30