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562Très bon spécialiste des questions militaires US et australiennes (notamment du JSF, connu comme très anti-JSF), également et logiquement spécialiste des questions stratégiques dans le Pacifique et en Asie, Eric Palmer (Américain, ancien de l’USAF, résidant en Australie), donne une rapide appréciation des capacités militaires US face à la Corée du Nord. Elle confirme l’appréciation générale sur la question.
Il s’agit d’un court mais catégorique constat d’impuissance. (Sur son site ELP Defens(c)e, le 24 novembre 2010.)
«Just in case anyone is thinking of any hard force against North Korea in the Pacific Rim and any other ugliness that happens as a result; the U.S. doesn’t have much money to run; well, any kind of war. A NORK war will put our already bad budget (around 40 cents of every dollar in the Fed budget is borrowed money) off the known map of reality.
»We may saber rattle, but anything resembling logistics for a long effort exists only in the minds of those that create PowerPoint slides.
»I’ll bet a variety of logistics inventory work being done right now by war planners will show that not only is the Pacific short of supplies, ammo and other resources, but the whole of the global DOD logistics tail is a paper tiger in relation to real shooting wars. OPLANs are being pulled out of safes and there is nothing to fill them up with. Oh you got some platforms, but that is about it.
»The enemies long game thinking isn’t stupid every day of the week. They have seen this weakness coming.»
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