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928Cette petite nouvelle de Paul McLeary sur le blog de Ares (, à ce lien extrêmement long !), du 25 mars 2010, donne une petite indication de ce qui est un phénomène majeur. Il s’agit de l’infiltration et de la corruption par les cartels mexicains de la drogue des forces US des agences et département divers, chargées de la défense de la frontière Sud des USA contre ces mêmes cartels. On cite 576 officiers des forces US des frontières impliqués en 2009 dans des affaires de corruption des cartels.
C’est un phénomène très important, qui a très peu d’échos au niveau national US. On en retrouve des traces dans les presses locales US de la frontière Sud.
McLeary donne aussi des indications très rapides sur l’insécurité qui règne partout dans la région, et qui affecte désormais les forces US sur la frontière. Il cite l’incident de la violation de l’espace aérien US par des hélicoptères de l’armée mexicaine, dont dedefensa a parlé. Il y a une véritable descente dans le chaos.
«The border region has become so chaotic that U.S. border officials have been warned that the Mexican gang suspected of killing three people linked to the U.S. consulate in Juárez last week may be planning further strikes against U.S. officers, and the El Paso Intelligence Center has advised law enforcement officials along the border “to wear their protective vests and alert their own family members to the threat.”
»What’s more, a few weeks ago, a Mexican Navy helicopter crossed the border while chasing suspects, and was seen hovering over a neighborhood in Brownsville, Tx., according to local reports. Zapata County, Tx. Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzalez told the San Antonio Express News that “It's always been said that the Mexican military does in fact ... that there have been incursions…. But this is not New Mexico or Arizona. Here we've got a river; there's a boundary line. And then of course having Falcon Lake, Falcon Dam, it's a lot wider. It's not just a trickle of a river, it's an actual dam. You know where the boundary's at.”
»The incursion happened during vicious fighting between two Mexican drug gangs, the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas, a conflict that is spilling over the border. To make matters worse, Mexican gangs are reportedly actively trying to infiltrate the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, and as a result, 576 CBP officers and Border Patrol agents had corruption cases opened against them last year. The Express also reported that “in the past two years, there have been 400 public corruption cases involving federal, state and local law enforcement agents originating from the Southwest border region.”…»
Jacques Laubion