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1045Dans un court billet, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard met en évidence les inquiétudes de certains groupes et experts financiers pour le sort de l’Angleterre, de son budget et du Sterling. Il cite, sans le démentir, l’avis que le sort de l’Angleterre menace d’être pire que celui de la Grèce.
(Voir le Daily Telegraph du 11 mars, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/economics/7423138/Europes-banks-brace-for-UK-debt-crisis.html.)
«UniCredit has alerted investors in a client note that Britain is at serious risk of a bond market and sterling debacle and faces even more intractable budget woes than Greece….
»No turning back: Sterling is going to fall further over coming months, warns Unicredit. The Italian-German group, Europe's second largest bank, said Britain's tax structure will make it hard to raise fresh revenue quickly enough to restore confidence in UK public finances.
»“I am becoming convinced that Great Britain is the next country that is going to be pummelled by investors,” said Kornelius Purps, Unicredit 's fixed income director and a leading analyst in Germany.
»Mr Purps said the UK had been cushioned at first by low debt levels but the pace of deterioration has been so extreme that the country can no longer count on market tolerance.
»“Britain's AAA-rating is highly at risk. The budget deficit is huge at 13pc of GDP and investors are not happy. The outgoing government is inactive due to the election. There will have to be absolute cuts in public salaries or pay, but nobody is talking about that,” he told The Daily Telegraph.
»“Sterling is going to fall further over coming months. I am not expecting a crash of the gilts market but we may see a further rise in spreads of 30 to 50 basis points.”»
“Vieux Rebelle”
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