Même le FT qui fait patte de colombe



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Dans les divers commentaires qui ont accompagné la restitution par les Iraniens des 15 Britanniques, notons celui du Financial Times qui nous est offert ce jour. Comme l’on connaît les tendances (très pro-US, ultra-libéral, anglo-saxonisant) et l’influence du quotidien, sa réaction nous paraît intéressante.

Elle l’est d’autant plus qu’elle ne prend pas de gants pour observer l’habileté des Iraniens autant que la maladresse des Anglo-Saxons (des Britanniques).

«Britain's tactics were not, initially, joined up. It was particularly foolish to pretend that the Royal Navy was on the right, Iraqi side of a maritime boundary that does not formally exist, rather than insist it was operating under and enforcing United Nations Security Council resolutions.

»Iran, by contrast, will be feeling a good deal less cornered than it did two weeks ago, on the eve of a UN Security Council vote expanding sanctions because of Tehran's refusal to cease enriching uranium. An unpopular regime rallied the nation, sensitised by a century of illicit Anglo-American intervention in Iran's affairs. Tehran's robust style has impressed Arabs and Muslims who see their leaders as corrupt lackeys of the west. And Iran has shown it will push back against the provocative build-up of Anglo-American forces in the Gulf. It has succeeded in highlighting that danger, and suggesting that the spike in the oil price caused by the crisis is but a foretaste of what would happen if Iran is attacked.»

Surtout, elle est remarquable par le conseil sans ambiguïté qu’elle donne, qui va contre toute l’orientation de la politique anglo-saxonne depuis le 11 septembre 2001, — et qui revient à dire : avec des gens aussi sérieux (que les Iraniens), il vaut mieux parler sérieusement que de continuellement menacer d’attaquer.

«The best lesson to take away from this affair was how rapidly it was resolved once empowered officials on both sides talked directly. The US and its allies should confront Iran's nuclear and regional ambitions the same way. If it does not work, nothing will be lost.»

Mis en ligne le 6 avril 2007 à 10H58