Nasrallah sur le rôle du Hezbollah dans l’origine de la crise libanaise



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Dans sa seconde interview télévisée depuis le cessez-le-feu, le leader du Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah donne des précisions sur l’attitude du Hezbollah vis-à-vis du conflit qui éclata le 12 juillet, notamment sur les prévisions et les intentions du Hezbollah. Ces précisions sont très intéressantes et nous devrions revenir dessus très rapidement.

D’ores et déjà, nous en donnons la substance au travers de l’article que le Guardian leur consacre.

« Hizbullah last night admitted it would not have captured the two Israeli soldiers last month had it known a war would follow.

» The leader of the militia said that talks were going on to return the two in exchange for Lebanese prisoners held by Israel. The Israeli government refused to confirm this, although officials have said privately that a prisoner exchange was probably the only way forward.

» Hizbullah crossed into north Israel early on July 12 and captured Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev. Eight other Israeli soldiers were killed, and within hours Israel and Hizbullah were plunged into their most serious conflict. By the time of the ceasefire 34 days later, more than 1,100 people were dead in Lebanon and 157 in Israel, mostly soldiers.

»  “We did not think, even one percent, that the capture would lead to a war at this time and of this magnitude,” Hassan Nasrallah, the cleric who leads Hizbullah, told Lebanon's New TV channel. “You ask me, if I had known on July 11 ... that the operation would lead to such a war, would I do it? I say no, absolutely not.” He said Italy would play a part in negotiating the soldiers' eventual release. “Contacts recently began for negotiations,” he said. « It seems that Italy is trying to get into the subject.” From the start, Mr Nasrallah has said he wanted to exchange the soldiers for Lebanese and Palestinians held in Israel. »

Mis en ligne le 28 août 2006 à 12H38