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Que valent les pressions générales exercées en faveur d’un retrait US d’Irak contre un homme de la trempe et du calibre de GW? Ces pressions sont de plus en plus puissantes mais GW Bush est un homme médiocre à la psychologie de fer. Cela représente, — la médiocrité et une psychologie de fer, — la combinaison la plus efficace pour ne pas céder à la raison.

L’avis de Matthew Rothschild, de, exprimé dans un billet du 6 juillet, est bien que GW Bush ne cédera pas à ces pressions. Il faudra un acte législatif tranché, impératif, un vote du Congrès catégorique par exemple sur le financement de la guerre, ce qui paraît bien improbable tant les parlementaires craignent de paraître “trahir” les boys même s’ils expriment des opinions anti-guerres.

«Even as Bush keeps losing fans among Republicans in the Senate, don’t bet that’s going to change his mind on Iraq.

»This man gives stubbornness a bad name.

»He’s said in the past that he’s going to stay on course even if the only people supporting him are Laura and Barney. And I’m not even sure they’re still on board. But Cheney is, and the two of them have the utmost disdain for the Senate.

»What do they care if Senator Lugar, or Voinovich, or Domenici, or Warner clears his throat and utters some faint criticism of the war? Until these Senators are prepared to vote against continued funding for the war — and none of them are now — Bush and Cheney can go on their bloody way.

»Many pundits are in fantasyland about the fabled “wise men” of the party going up to the White House and prevailing on Bush and Cheney. Get over it. Bush and Cheney can’t be budged.

»They are unsusceptible to rational argument.

»They are unmoved by political calculations, since they’re not running for office in 2008.

»And anyway, Bush thinks he’s getting the word from on high to keep plunging ahead with this war.

»“His faith is very strong,” said Michael Novak, a conservative theologian who recently met with Bush. He believes he’s “answering to God.”»


Publié le 9 juillet 2007 à 15H58