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937Un texte remarquable de Marc S. Ellenbogen, de UPI, également présidents de Global Panel Foundation et de la Prague Society, proche des démocrates US et notamment du président du parti démocrate Howard S. Dean. Il s’agit d’une critique époustouflante de brio et de justesse de la première année de la présidence Obama, par un adversaire de GW Bush et des républicains, et un partisan du candidat Obama à l’automne 2008.
L’analyse critique de la loi sur les soins de santé d’Obama est remarquable. Celle de l’attitude et du comportement politique et psychologique du président ne l’est pas moins. Il y a des précisions intéressantes et révélatrice sur l’amateurisme de cette administration, incroyablement lente à constituer son personnel diplomatique et autre, et sur l’entourage de d’Obama lui-même, semblant avoir été constitué pour assurer le président de son brio personnel.
Texte UPI, via du 7 janvier 2010 (au lien
«Frankly, Mr. President, I have had enough of your blathering.
And I was not even remotely a supporter of the Bush administration. But, you talk, and talk, and talk, and – well you get the point. You have little to show in your first year. And you have let the American people down.
»I endorsed you in February 2008, when most of the Democratic establishment was standing behind Sen. Hillary Clinton. I spoke of your courage, your motivational skills and your fresh approach. I said you would take us in a new direction. […]
»In your desperation to show you have done something, you had Congress push through a watered-down stepchild of your original healthcare plan. You sold the U.S. people healthcare; what you have delivered is some sort of contrivance. Normally, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck – it is a duck.
»Well, Mr. President, your healthcare plan ain't no duck! […]
»From Ruanda to Somalia; from Israel to the Palestinian territories; from Central Europe to the Caucasus; from North Korea to missile defense, you, Mr. President, are dropping the ball like some freshman hoop star recruited with great expectation but who is choking at all the big moments. It is time you realize a great speech does not solve the problem.
»And, Mr. President, you have filled only 50 percent of the vacant positions in your administration. And you let your head of White House personnel appoint himself ambassador to Canada while your deputy personnel head appointed himself to the same post in South Africa. And so the appointment process falls even farther behind. By the time you have all the appointments in place, you will be officially running for re-election. […]
»When I endorsed you, Mr. President, I expected you to pick the right people for the right positions. You mostly have not.
»You have marginalized the people who would tell you what you need to know, because you evidently prefer to be surrounded by young boobs who tell you what you want to hear.
»From the young and inexperienced know-it-alls in the White House to many of the secretaries you have appointed, they have mostly missed the mark and are in over their heads.
»And, Mr. President – at this point – it appears you are as well.»
Jacques Laubion