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853The Globe and Mail, quotidien canadien basé à Totonto, s'amuse à comparer les déclarations de l'actuel POTUS avec celles de Herbert Hoover, qui remplissait les mêmes fonctions à l'époque de la crise de 1929.
Morceaux choisis :
Obama, State of the Union 2011: «The steps we’ve taken over the last two years may have broken the back of this recession…»
Hoover, State of the Union, December, 1932: «The unprecedented emergency measures enacted and policies adopted undoubtedly saved the country from economic disaster…»
Et le journal conclut en abordant une autre similitude : «“Hoovervilles”, of course, were the names of the shantytowns that sprang up during the Depression. There was, in late 2009, some controversy over a tent city in Colorado Springs that, for a short while, sported a banner stating “Welcome To Obamaville: Colorado's Fastest-Growing Community.”»
(Lien vers The Globe and Mail.)
Sylvain Michelet